For those of you who follow Blinded Trials but don’t spend time at the main page, I have an announcement!
We’re moving! Kind of. But not really.
Erik, the esteemed editor-in-chief of the erstwhile League of Ordinary Gentlemen (to whom I remain grateful to this day for inviting me to write for the site in the first place), has done a ton of work crafting a wonderful new site called Ordinary Times. It will include the same contributors, have the same spirit and maintain the same quality as the old site, but with a much more streamlined design.
The sub-blogs (such as this one) will appear on the main page instead of at separate sites as before. I’ll still be posting about the same stuff and with the same frequency, but you’ll be able to find it at the main site exclusively, midway down the page. I hope you’ll join Rose and me there, and agree that the new site is a welcome change.