The Democratic Party’s Current Civil War’s Uncivil Tactics
Elizabeth and Daniel discuss civility. Continue Reading
Elizabeth and Daniel discuss civility. Continue Reading
Well, are they? Continue Reading
Daydream with me — Congress decides the question of the Earth’s shape is still open. Some members express a strong belief that it is shaped like a burrito. (I know that at least one reader will catch the reference.) Rather… Continue Reading
Last night I was privileged to participate in a conference call about a piece of legislation moving its way through the California state senate, AB 2109. What made it a particular privilege was having the chance to speak with both… Continue Reading
The other day, I read this essay by Katha Pollitt in The Nation about the fundamental problem at the heart of creationism (h/t Sully, I think): Do you know what the worst thing about the recent Gallup poll on evolution… Continue Reading
My, my, my. I write a post that deals in part with vaccines and autism, and then look what the universe serves up. Running a fever during pregnancy is associated with a risk of autism spectrum disorders and developmental delays… Continue Reading
One of the running ha-has at LeagueFest was the seeming predilection Rose and I have for hot-button topics. Between circumcision, attachment parenting and home birth, one could draw the conclusion that we like to go “poke, poke, poke” at the… Continue Reading
but I’m not holding my breath. From the Times: Vermont lawmakers are considering eliminating the “philosophical” exemption to the vaccination requirements that usually apply to children attending school and day care in the state. Vermont has one of the highest… Continue Reading
Were I given free rein to repopulate Dante’s Inferno, there’s nobody I’d more gleefully plunk right into Malebolge than Andrew Wakefield, charlatan par excellence. He could while away eternity swapping stories with Ulysses and Diomedes as they all flickered together,… Continue Reading