Commenting policy

Building off of Erik’s front page post on the League’s commenting policy, I thought it appropriate to bring it up here. I like the League’s policy, and we’ll follow it here. Like most of you, much of what drew me to the League was the quality and good faith nature of the comments, so that’s what I hope for here. If any policing needs to happen, hopefully, it’ll happen organically.

Here are a few details on how I’ll, personally, approach policing the comments:

I don’t delete comments (aside from spam). I don’t ban people. I tend to ignore trolls, jerks and nasty people. If anything especially egregious occurs, I’ll let The Powers That Be make a decision, and we’ll abide by it here. Otherwise, go to town.

Jonathan McLeod

Jonathan McLeod is a writer living in Ottawa, Ontario. (That means Canada.) He spends too much time following local politics and writing about zoning issues. Follow him on Twitter.


  1. “If any policing needs to happen, hopefully, it’ll happen organically.” No doubt an appeal to those with common beliefs to apply all the well known internet methods of “organic” policing. After checking out a few of the posts here it is good to see such honesty. Maybe I’ll test it later.

Comments are closed.