Conservative internet publisher and avid blogger Andrew Breitbart died yesterday. He was 43. Friends and acquaintances described the Big Hollywood founder as intense – a passionate conversationalist who never left work no matter where he went. But Breitbart was hounded by health problems and high blood pressure. The intensity of his personality was matched only by […]
[updated] Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom says the US government is protecting an outdated business model by shutting down his site and placing him behind bars. The eccentric internet entrepreneur is in jail after being accused by the US government of profiting off of internet piracy through his website, to the tune of $175 million dollars. […]
Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom says the US government is protecting an outdated business model by shutting down his site and placing him behind bars. The eccentric internet entrepreneur is in jail after being accused by the US government of profiting off of internet piracy through his website, to the tune of $175 million dollars. Last […]
Google counted the number of views each of the main GOP candidates and President Barack Obama received on YouTube over the past thirty days and this is what they came up with: The president looms above the rest of the pack, thanks to a few spikes in views. Remarkably, the Republican spread is not that […]
The buzz these days in the tech universe has been all Pinterest all the time, and with good reason. Pinterest gives people the ability to curate photos on various online pinboards easily and quickly, and to follow pinboards curated by others. Instead of asking users to set up their own account from scratch, Pinterest users […]
The above video – as of this writing – has had over 22 million views. In it, a father gives a lengthy monologue in response to a snotty Facebook post his daughter left about him and her mother. Sitting alone on a chair in the middle of a field, he tapes his own response. He […]
governor Chris Gregoire signed legislation today making same-sex-marriage legal for Washingtonians. This makes the seventh state to grant gay couples the right to get married. It also marks a second major victory for marriage equality advocates, after a court recently struck down a ban in California when it ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional. This is good […]
Now, I can’t be sure about this, but last I checked running around screaming “behave yourself” at a bunch of peaceful protesters and struggling with security is not exactly behaving oneself.
It’s also remarkably stupid. There are these things called “camera phones” and another thing he may have heard of called “the internet.”
Breitbart is many things, but stupid enough to hand the left a viral video like this? It’s a head-scratcher for sure.
Occupy protesters congregated outside of CPAC, hoping to stir up some media attention and irritate conservatives in attendance. Not in a million years did they hope to get so far under Breitbart’s skin.
Do we know if he has a drinking problem? Because I just cannot for the life of me fathom what he was thinking here. Behave yourself? Seriously?
I half expected Bill Maher to show up suddenly and start making wise-cracks about how they should all go get a job, followed by a big make-out scene between the two.
Oh well. We can’t have everything. Even in an age of rapidly-shared-stupidity.
has long milked his Star Wars franchise for every last penny. Now he’s released the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace in 3D. John Young at Entertainment Weekly notes that the film has done pretty well. “The three-dimensional re-release of the two-dimensional Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace collected $8.7 million on Friday, […]
Adam Greene was going into diabetic shock, weaving through traffic lanes early in the morning on October 29th, 2010. Police thought he was intoxicated – a reasonable suspicion given the circumstances and the fact that it was 4 AM. This is what happened next: Lawyer’s for Greene released the video this past Tuesday. On the […]