Are Board Games Better Than Video Games?

Quintin Smith has an interesting post over at Kotaku in which he argues that board games and pen-and-paper RPGs are superior to video games, for a number of reasons. For one, he argues, technology itself and the entire development process required to put together a major video game can muck it up beyond recognition. Board […]

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Using KickStarter For Evil: DarkForge Wants To Raise $100,000 To Make ‘Nekro’

“Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a game where you could just walk into an innocent town, raise a bunch of zombies, skeletons and monsters and watch while they rip the townspeople to shreds?” That’s the premise for DarkForge’s new KickStarter project, Nekro, an old-school twist on traditional overhead action games like Dungeon Keeper. […]

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Mass Effect 3 Is Way Funnier With Bleeps

has already posted this, but I feel compelled to do so as well, if only because this made me laugh out loud. Dave writes, “I’ve always felt that bleeping was funnier than swearing anyways, and this video proves that beyond a shadow of the doubt.” This gets back to the whole concept of leaving some […]

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