Amazon Prime Instant Video Now Available On PlayStation 3

For those of you who subscribe to Amazon’s Prime service, you’re likely already familiar with the fairly large video streaming catalogue available on Amazon’s website. In the past, if you’ve had certain devices such as the Roku, you’ve been able to stream these shows and movies directly to your television. However, for those of us […]

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John Carter: Better Than Avatar?

I loved John Carter. Actually, the more I’ve thought about it since I saw it yesterday, the more I find myself liking the film. Sometimes with movies the opposite happens. You’ll leave a movie thinking, “Huh, that was cool” and then stew over all the little details that bothered you. Pretty soon you think, “Well, […]

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Super 8

I’m going to have a full post up on Super 8 when I have the time. For now, let me just say: please see this movie. If you liked The Goonies or E.T. or Alien you will like this film. Instant classic as far as I’m concerned. Exactly what I want in a movie.