Journeys in Alterity

LEGO for Adults

LEGO for Adults

LEGO sets have a suggested age range, which can be helpful when buying a set for young children, but, really, the company should do away with the range and simply post a minimum age. ...

A Query about Cleanliness

A Query about Cleanliness

Yesterday, my son, fearless of grime, scum, and germs, pulled out the plug to the bathtub and looked as though he was going to place it in his mouth. “Whoa,” I said, OCD alarms...

On Hate and Hell

On Hate and Hell

Andrew Hackman calls Hell a hateful idea: [T]he vast majority of Christian churches believe that anyone who does not subscribe to some form of Christianity (and often, their version of Christianity) is going to...

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“Adapting Marx, human beings make job choices – but not in circumstances of their choosing. This isn’t consumer choice in some idealized marketplace – it’s the product of an underlying political struggle. And it’s...

Higgs Boson Found?

Higgs Boson Found?

To my dismay, Google shows me that all my adolescent Higgs Boson jokes have been done a thousand times over.  I also see that a search for the elementary mass-giving particle and yours truly...

Health Care: Innovation vs. Access

Health Care: Innovation vs. Access

Critics of the government facilitating heath care often worry that taking some or all of the health care field out of the realm of private enterprise will lower the degree of innovation for which...

Did SCOTUS Commit a Sin?

Did SCOTUS Commit a Sin?

Observing the reactions on my Facebook feed to the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act, I have been most intrigued by the religious responses that call upon God to have “mercy on...

A Question about Katniss Everdeen

A Question about Katniss Everdeen

Warning: this post will contain major spoilers regarding The Hunger Games trilogy. Enter the arena at your own risk. Mockingjay, the final book in The Hunger Games series, didn’t work for me as well...

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