Journeys in Alterity

Henri’s Ennui

Henri’s Ennui

How had I missed le Chat Noir’s Sartrean musings?  Part one is below. Part two is here.  These are hilarious if you’ve spent any being and time reading French existentialism.  Or watching the ennui...

LEGO Blogging: Airship

LEGO Blogging: Airship

As much as I’d love to have the expendable income to splurge on every Lego set ever manufactured, the number of sets we’ve actual been able to purchase fit in your standard toolbox.  Consequently,...

A ‘Snow White’ Sequel?

A ‘Snow White’ Sequel?

Meredeth Woerner of i09 is none too keen on the announcement of a sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman, reasonably cynical that the decision has everything to do with money and dubious of...

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“What seems to me to be constitutive of the religious is, therefore, the fact of crediting a word, in accordance with a certain code and within the limits of a certain canon.  I would...

The Inquisition Is Alive, But Is It Well?

The Inquisition Is Alive, But Is It Well?

The inquisition continues to this day, albeit under a different name and with different methods.  The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), formerly called the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and...

Undercover Ethics

Undercover Ethics

Several readers of yesterday’s post–on the topic of lying to expose some truth–raised the practice of undercover investigations as a counter example to my thesis, asking if I would consider undercover work unethical for...

Deceiving for Your Truth

Deceiving for Your Truth

Two recent news stories caught my eye for the same reason: both are about instances of the increasingly popular phenomenon of undercover activists deceiving their targets in order to expose some alleged truth about...

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