Journeys in Alterity
Vote Like a Baby
For reasons I’d rather not guess, the Texas Right to Life mailed us the above advertisement. When you flip it over, you see it’s an endorsement of Scott Turner for the TX State House. ...
Revelations of Art
Evening Mood by William Bouguereau, one of my wife’s favorites. We have a framed print of this painting hanging on the wall in our dining room. Guests learn immediately that ours is not a...
Echoes on the Road
“Let us beware of that caricature of an economist who, watching people cheerfully disporting themselves in their suburban allotments, thinks he has said everything there is to say when he observes that this is...
My Alma Mater, Making National News
Franciscan University of Steubenville is a small Catholic college not especially well known outside of a few niche Catholic circles, but its decision to drop student healthcare coverage, ostensibly in response to the HHS...
Vote Well or Go to Hell
I don’t have a TV and I seldom listen to the radio, so I’m spared the unseemly barrage of political advertisements that most Americans must suffer. Alas, I cannot evade all the campaign season’s...
Waking Up, Geek Style
We had a rough morning with the boy, who protested getting ready for the day from the moment I opened his window blinds. He was still in full Occupy Waking Up mode when I...
The Benefit of Panic
“Woman is less qualified [than man] for moral behavior. For the woman contains more liquid than the man, and it is a property of liquid to take things up easily and to hold onto...
Weekend Geekery Contest
Recast The Lord of the Rings movies with actors and actresses from Joss Whedon television shows. Bonus points for explaining your selections. Strive to cast at least nine characters, but submissions of any size...
For the Love of Sex and Marriage
On the front page, Tod Kelly is ready for the country to have it out over same sex marriage, and he’s optimistic that the proponents will win. I suspect a mostly universal acceptance of...