Journeys in Alterity

What Is Philosophy?

What Is Philosophy?

When asked this question, philosophers themselves are known to pause or even stumble around a bit before venturing an answer, and when one does propose an answer, you can bet your collected works of...

What Should Rick Santorum Do Next?

What Should Rick Santorum Do Next?

Now that Rick Santorum has acknowledged the inevitability of his not being president, but says he plans to continue the fight, what should he do next? Compose his magnum opus on theological-politics? Focus on...

Healthcare and Tyranny

Healthcare and Tyranny

The editors of Commonweal see nothing tyrannical about the Affordable Care Act’s mandate, which doesn’t surprise me, but I was taken aback by their concluding sentences: There’s nothing tyrannical about it, and even if...

Relativism and Value Hierarchies

Relativism and Value Hierarchies

Will Truman makes two astute observations concerning the philosophical differences between liberals and conservatives: while both camps may at times use the same words and express the same sort of values, they regularly differ...

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“Out of the darkness of my life, so much frustrated, I put before you the one great thing to love upon earth: the Blessed Sacrament…..There you will find romance, glory, honor, fidelity, and the...

The Cloister of the Universe

The Cloister of the Universe

Orthodoxy has it that God is all powerful–omnipotent–and yet the story remembered and retold in the Paschal Triduum that begins this evening–Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday–speaks of a weak God, a figure...

Would Jesus Support Healthcare Reform?

Would Jesus Support Healthcare Reform?

I can’t tell whether John White is being intentionally fatuous or whether he genuinely doesn’t understand Christians on the Left, but either way, his response to John Blake’s article–“Would Jesus support health care reform?–is...

Sullivan Responds

Sullivan Responds

In a post I wrote yesterday critical of Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek article “Christianity in Crisis,” I noted that works of power were and are necessary for the transmission of the Gospels’ practical messages.  Sullivan...

Christianity and Power

Christianity and Power

In his Newsweek cover-essay, Andrew Sullivan expresses his longing for a “simpler, purer, apolitical Christianity” and anticipates that the religion will rise from its current crisis when “when politics and doctrine and pride recede.” ...

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