Journeys in Alterity

Roger Ebert, R.I.P.

Roger Ebert, R.I.P.

Famous film critic Roger Ebert has died.  He could be as scathing as any critic, but he also displayed a passionate love of movies and film-making more warmhearted and heartfelt than most others I...

To Fail as a Son

To Fail as a Son

The last time I saw my father I was twelve years old.  Before boarding the airplane that would return me to the home of my mother and step-father, I had sat on the edge...

What Distinguishes a Christian?

What Distinguishes a Christian?

I wondered about this question while catching a glimpse of the cardinals processing into the conclave, each one speaking Latin in a particular accent.  Sure, this ritual had its uniqueness in the world of...

How Cruel is Your God?

How Cruel is Your God?

I’m endlessly fascinated by how people relate to God by way of images and figures that are important to them.  Their preferred images of God may tell us more about their religiosity and about...

The Hopeful Spirit of Dar Williams

The Hopeful Spirit of Dar Williams

“The Christians and the Pagans” by Dar Williams is one of my very favorite songs. The hopeful lyrics and heartwarming melody tell of a young woman and her friend who, in need of a...

Sin and Safe Religion

Sin and Safe Religion

In college I knew of young men who were apprehensive about kissing their girlfriends because they might have a lustful thought. One individual of my acquaintance, for this same reason, refused to hold hands...

Torture Isn’t Complicated

Torture Isn’t Complicated

Jon Stewart, the comedic political commentator and host of The Daily Show, has an unfortunate habit of thinking he’s being hospitable to a legitimate opposing viewpoint when really he’s just inclining an ear to...

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