Journeys in Alterity

Friday Morning Film Reflection

Friday Morning Film Reflection

Woody Allen’s film concepts range from the brilliant to the brainless, and his execution from masterful to mediocre.  I’ll usually give his movies a shot, in hopes of seeing his genius on display, but...

Obama: Ally of the Diabolical

Obama: Ally of the Diabolical

That’s how Michael Voris, self-knighted champion of Real Catholicism, describes the president.  In this worldview, President Obama is quite literally, if unwittingly allying himself with Satan’s ultimate desire to overturn the divinely-ordained natural order,...

The Choice of Models in 2012

The Choice of Models in 2012

Some months ago, Princeton professor Robert George framed the 2012 elections as a choice between two models: 1) the model of the Republican candidates that’s based on “America’s founding principles” of  “constitutional and limited...

Whedon and Bureaucracies of Evil

Whedon and Bureaucracies of Evil

Looks as though Alyssa Rosenberg eagerly anticipates writing more about the upcoming Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard horror movie, The Cabin in the Woods.  She withholds overall judgment, but confirms that the film is...

Where Religion Begins

Where Religion Begins

If I were asked today why I am religious, I would have to begin somewhere, and I would begin where religion begins.  Religion begins (and ends) with love.  By love I mean the unconditional,...

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“There may never be anything new to say, but there is always a new way to say it, and since, in art, the way of saying a thing becomes a part of what is...



Blogging becomes extraordinarily difficult when done in the presence of an 11-month-old who’s eager for your attention and not at all shy about letting you know.

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