Journeys in Alterity

Paul Ryan and the Catholic Vote

Paul Ryan and the Catholic Vote

Sarah Posner of Religion Dispatches worries that Romney’s pick of former Ayn Rand superfan Paul Ryan will “ignite a religious war of words”: Although House Republicans of course were not eager to advertise this,...

Freedom to Profess the True Religion

Freedom to Profess the True Religion

Historian Roberto de Mattei has an old-fashioned and exclusive notion of religious freedom: The liberty of the believer is based on the truth believed and not on the self-determination of the individual. The Catholic...

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Zombies

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Zombies

Zombie survival guides are a blood-stained dime a dozen, but won’t somebody please think of the zombies?  It’s a hard “life,” full of unending hunger, long monotonous stretches of boredom, a homogenous diet, and...

Brief Remarks on Bigotry

Brief Remarks on Bigotry

Doug Mataconis looks to the definition of a bigot to show that the word does not accurately characterize all opponents of same-sex marriage.  He is correct. Bigotry involves obstinate devotion to one’s hatred and...

Critics of Religion

Critics of Religion

Ross Douthat wants more candor from religion’s critics and detractors: It may seem strange that anyone could look around the pornography-saturated, fertility-challenged, family-breakdown-plagued West and see a society menaced by a repressive puritanism. But...

‘The Hobbit’ To Be Three Films

‘The Hobbit’ To Be Three Films

Peter Jackson breaks the news: We know how much of the story of Bilbo Baggins, the Wizard Gandalf, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur will remain...

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