Tagged: Kyle Cupp

Single Virtue Voting

Single Virtue Voting

Not being the sort of voter who decides am0ng presidential candidates based primarily on their stances on issues, I am far from ever being a single issue voter.  I could justly be called a...



As of today, I’ve been doing this blogging thing for five years.  I’ll spare you any reflective introspection as this milestone seems underwhelming next to the daily successes of my recently potty-trained fifteen-month-old.  Not...

Higgs Boson Found?

Higgs Boson Found?

To my dismay, Google shows me that all my adolescent Higgs Boson jokes have been done a thousand times over.  I also see that a search for the elementary mass-giving particle and yours truly...

The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye

My day job brings me into the lives of people during moments of crisis, personal tragedy, turmoil, and loss.  Both day and night I receive calls informing me that someone has died.  The death...

A Rational, Religious Mind

A Rational, Religious Mind

Alex Knapp summarizes the reason why many Christians reject the science of evolution: For some Christians, evolution would, if true, completely shatter the doctrine of Original Sin. After all, if humans evolved, then there...

Where Religion Begins

Where Religion Begins

If I were asked today why I am religious, I would have to begin somewhere, and I would begin where religion begins.  Religion begins (and ends) with love.  By love I mean the unconditional,...

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