Tagged: Paul Ricoeur

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“What seems to me to be constitutive of the religious is, therefore, the fact of crediting a word, in accordance with a certain code and within the limits of a certain canon.  I would...

Pacifism: Its Moral Value and Insufficiency

Pacifism: Its Moral Value and Insufficiency

As an action aimed at social betterment, pacifism–the refusal to return violence with violence–almost always fails miserably.  In his essay “Non-violent Man and History,” philosopher Paul Ricoeur, himself a pacifist, shined a light on...

State, Violence, and Global Order

State, Violence, and Global Order

Over on the front page, Tim Kowal offers a considered meta-observation of how American power functions in the world: True, America wields a big stick in the world.  But it wields it clumsily, taking...

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“Reading is like the execution of a musical score; it marks the realization, the enactment, of the semantic possibilities of a text.” – Paul Ricoeur, From Text to Action

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