Tagged: Postmodernism

A Modest Request

A Modest Request

Can we please, please cease and desist using the word post-modern to describe falsehood-devoted political campaigning? Broadly speaking, post-modern delineates an outlook that see truth as situated, not as immaterial.  ‘Tis not the postmodernist...

My Postmodern Catholicism

My Postmodern Catholicism

I’ve begun a series at Vox Nova about the postmodern quality of my religious faith.  If you scratch your head at my attempt to embrace both postmodern philosophy and orthodox Roman Catholicism, this series...

Postmodern Religiosity

Postmodern Religiosity

A mighty host of my coreligionists, ever on guard against looming criticisms threats to their faith, have for many years taken arms against academia’s latest culture-deteriorating enemies of truth: the postmodernists and deconstructionists.  To...

What Is Alterity?

What Is Alterity?

Now that this blog has a new home and some new readers, I account it high time to recapitulate what I mean by alterity and why I choose, at the risk of provoking some...

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