Monday Trivia, No. 105 (Fnord wins!)

Since 1996, what noteworthy thing has happened in Antarctica, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cape Verde*, Czech Republic, Egypt (twice), France, Greece, India (twice), Ireland, Italy (twice), Japan (twice), Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nepal (twice), New Caledonia*, Norway (once but in two separate locations*), the People’s Republic of China, Peru (twice), Thailand (twice), Tunisia*, the United Kingdom (four times), and the United States of America (twice)?

* Areas listed with an asterisk are approximated.

Burt Likko

Pseudonymous Portlander. Homebrewer. Atheist. Recovering litigator. Recovering Republican. Recovering Catholic. Recovering divorcé. Recovering Former Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary Times. House Likko's Words: Scite Verum. Colite Iusticia. Vivere Con Gaudium.


  1. Without doing any research I’m going to throw out a WAG.

    Asteroid strike?

  2. Four times in the UK is really throwing me off. It looks like some geographic or meteorological phenomenon, but that’s a huge number for a tiny island.

    • I’d say “soccer riots of a particular size” but the US is on there.

      Maybe they’re tying one of the “let off some steam” riots that LA tends to have with a victory or a loss of that David Beckham team?

      • the “let off some steam” riots that LA tends to have

        That may be the whitest thing you’ve ever said.

      • Yeah, but Antarctica’s last big soccer riot was in 1994, and the list is from 1996 on.

  3. It looks like some geographic or meteorological phenomenon, but that’s a huge number for a tiny island.

    But over almost 17 years, so something that could happen repeatedly. Record high temperatures of some sort?

  4. Tuesday hint: the approximated locations are all undersea. Hence the subject of the question can occur undersea.

  5. Some sort of archaelogical discovery? With the undersea ones being sunken ships or similar (and the Antarctica one, I remember hearing about the discovery of a ship lost in Antarctica)?

    • The threshold would have to be much lower to get the UK on the list 4 times and would subsequently add a whole bunch of other spots in doing so.

        • Nd Bolivia and Czech Republic. Which doesn’t foreclose the possibility of underwater ruins being discovered in a lake or river, I guess, but this is not the answer we’re looking for. Well, a tiny little bit it might be. But not really close enough for an assist IMO.

          • The “little bit” clue refers to underwater ruins (Johanna’s guess below), not fossil fuel deposits.

        • Kazakhstan borders both the Caspian Sea and what’s left of the Aral Sea.

          • I’m going to just throw it out there: bordering the Aral Sea does not disqualify a nation from being considered “landlocked.” Is it even still navigable?

    • along that line, discovery of a non-carbon based life-form. (or just one that eats the sulfur coming out of hydrothermal vents)

  6. Discovery of human bodies that have been largely/somewhat preserved by the elements?

    • Nice one, KatherineMW, I’d refine it to discovery of mummified human remains?

  7. Portals to the the civilizations that live beneath the crust of the earth. At least according to the hollow earth people. I know there is supposed to be one Antarctica. Some dude flew an airplane in that one. Heard it on ancient aliens.

    • I could go for this answer. But I can not figure out how they discovered one Baldwin brother in two different places in Norway. *shrug* maybe it was Harry Baldwin.

  8. The number of places Burt Likko has dropped his watch into the ocean

  9. Thursday hint: we’re talking about a form of new media. It’s been mentioned in comments threads on the front page recently.

    • I knew the Thursday clue would either totally mystify or completely reveal.

      I’m surprised Lara Croft hasn’t been to China more. Or, for that matter, that her adventures in her native UK have been at her own house rather than in the abundance of castles and cairns there.

      Good job Fnord!

      • Hmm. You said, what noteworthy thing has happened in.

        100% splitting hairs, but a game set in places =/= happened in places.

        And congratulations, Fnord. Figuring that hobbit riddle out conveys special powers of some sort!

          • I’ve been thinking on that; perhaps, “appears to have happened?”

            And really, I was just being the geeky question-the-teacher kid before my first cup of coffee.

            The underlying insight from your challenge that really intrigues me is how we’ll differentiate between virtual reality events and real events as we progress; is it live or is it Memorex?

          • Well, I don’t know that it’s a new question. Where did Don Quixote have his adventures? A) Spain or b) “Nowhere, silly, it’s a work of fiction”? Either answer seems fair to me.

          • FWIW, I think a fairer phrasing would’ve been “what has taken place in ….” — Don Quixote took place in Spain but it didn’t happen in Spain. That phrasing would rule out natural stuff and perhaps point more directly to fiction, but it could also refer to real-life events, so it might not have removed all the misdirection.

        • My quibble is that the question said ” noteworthy.” 😉

          • There’s that, too.

            I suppose it’s a matter of perspective.

            /must google laura croft to see what she’s drawn as someday soon. then again, why bother?

      • Whoo!

        I never figured I’d be winning one of these things, given how utterly clueless I usually feel reading them.

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