Come on, Irene
The power went out in Casa de Saunders four and a half hours ago, and has just come back on. Since I like to make hay while the sun shines, I’ll post while I can. Here in my corner of… Continue Reading
The power went out in Casa de Saunders four and a half hours ago, and has just come back on. Since I like to make hay while the sun shines, I’ll post while I can. Here in my corner of… Continue Reading
Via Scientific American, I see that the Institute of Medicine is releasing a new report about the adverse effects of vaccines. Or, perhaps more accurately, the lack thereof. From the article: Vaccines are largely safe, and do not cause autism… Continue Reading
Over at NaPP, Burt has a post up about an utterly horrifying phenomenon (of which I knew nothing until today) occuring in Russia as a consequence of decreased heroin supply. He writes: The war in Afghanistan (remember that one?) clearly… Continue Reading
Anyone who wants to read the most exquisite, razor-sharp example of irony could do not better than this evisceration of Brian Leiter by Paul Campos. It is… amazing. One particularly good quote: Nor can anyone blame Professor Leiter for refusing… Continue Reading
If you’re at all like me, one of your favorite aspects of going on vacation is getting back to work and confronting a huge pile of material that has accumulated in your absence. It’s been an absolute joy to work… Continue Reading
From a recent family trip to the local “wild animal park” (like a zoo, if it were run by carnies) comes this picture: It was their commitment to excellence that really struck me during our visit. (Also, the rainstorm.)
I’m going to be enjoying a couple of weeks of vacation with the Better Half and the Monkey, so posting will be relatively light. Unlike some of my LOOG colleagues, we won’t be going anywhere special, and I plan to… Continue Reading
Courtesy of my best friend: Did you ever notice that NO ONE leaves the show saying “Maybe I’m not as talented as I thought.”
Who needs coffee when you can hear about this on your drive in to work? Rick Perry, the longest-serving governor of Texas, is a Methodist by tradition who, with his wife Anita, now attends an evangelical megachurch in Austin. He… Continue Reading
I’ve toyed with the idea of writing about how medical visits are typically billed for a while, but have thought of enough reasons not to to defer up until now. For one, it’s a rather dry topic. Also, I wasn’t… Continue Reading