Idle No More
It is wonderful to hear that Chief Theresa Spence is out of hospital. Her hunger strike lasted 43 days, and no doubt to a grave toll on her health. Further, I hope that Chief Spence’s protest, along with the greater… Continue Reading
It is wonderful to hear that Chief Theresa Spence is out of hospital. Her hunger strike lasted 43 days, and no doubt to a grave toll on her health. Further, I hope that Chief Spence’s protest, along with the greater… Continue Reading
The 1995 referendum in Quebec came pretty close to tearing up Canada. The campaign in favour of separation gained just a smidge under 50% of the vote. A swing of less than 1% would have given separatists an unprecedented victory.… Continue Reading
By now, I assume we have all heard or read Republican Senatorial candidate Richard Murdouck’s comment that “even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” It seems like yet… Continue Reading
…wait, what? I thought Mr. Harper was a heartless, cruel man who loved nothing more than the almighty loonie, like any good Tory. Well, Maclean’s (and Laval University’s) Stephen Gordon disagrees. Prof. Gordon argues: The Conservatives’ rabid demonisation of the… Continue Reading
Lincoln Alexander, former Ontario Lieutenant Governor, died on Friday. Linc, as he liked to be called, became the first black Member of Parliament in 1968. It was the first of many prominent positions for a man well-loved by those he… Continue Reading
The Parti Quebecois recently won the Quebec provincial election, de-throning Jean Charest’s Liberals. For those unfamiliar, the Parti Quebecois are a sovereigntist party. Left wing in nature, their one true goal is to Quebec secede from Canada. In between referenda,… Continue Reading
The Barnstormer‘s JB Staniforth is not impressed with Paul Ryan’s lie: That, there, is what I don’t get about Paul Ryan and his contrived sub-three-hour marathon. The man actually ran something over four hours, which puts him closer to my… Continue Reading
Let’s take a break from talking about Rush and proper hygiene for a littl self-promotion. Yesterday, The Ottawa Citizenwas gracious enough to publish my Op Ed discussing the merits of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party’s suggestion that we adopt Right-to-Work… Continue Reading
You know, I kind of hate Rush. I’m sure they’re nice enough guys (though I’ve heard an anecdote of Neil Peart being a real jerk). Nonetheless, I thought this Rolling Stone interview might interest some (H/T: Peter Jaworski): For me, it… Continue Reading
The Conservative government has introduced some controversial changes to the Employment Insurance program. The changes include ‘encouraging’ recipients to take jobs that are either outside of their field, at a significantly lower pay rate or further away from your home. Frank… Continue Reading