For all four of you who care…
The Better Half and I are booked for Leaguefest 2012.
The Better Half and I are booked for Leaguefest 2012.
Kyle Munkittrick answers the vitally important question: is it ethical to kill zombies? Now I dislike the Walking Dead, but I did sort of like one aspect. I half-watch it while my husband watches, and I believe one character refuses… Continue Reading
Slate has a piece worth reading up about Rick Santorum and prenatal testing. It is in some ways similar to mine: by a mom who also waived diagnostic prenatal testing and ended up with a kid with a Ridiculously Rare genetic… Continue Reading
Until the most recent Superbowl, I knew almost nothing about Nicki Minaj. From what I’d pieced together from my favorite non-LoOG blog, I assumed she’s kind of a hip-hop Lady Gaga, except with a better sense of humor. She dresses… Continue Reading
Another year. Another Oscar ceremony. Another Monday morning when I feel like the walking dead after staying up too late to watch the whole damn thing. All in all, I thought it was a pretty decent show. The most easy… Continue Reading
When the nominees for this year’s Academy Awards (well, OK, technically last year’s awards) were announced a month ago, I brazenly posted my list of predicted winners. Now that a few more awards shows have come and gone with their… Continue Reading
Over at the main page, both Mike and Will have been discussing abortion rates and the impact of various factors on the different rates from state to state. They have already presented plenty of data, and I have no numbers… Continue Reading
Ryan McGee criticizes the recent trend toward the “novelization” of television he claims was begun by HBO, says: HBO isn’t in the business of producing episodes in the traditional manner. Rather, it airs equal slices of an overall story over… Continue Reading
Slate recently reprinted an article by Tucker Carlson that argues that prenatal testing for genetic disorders amounts to a form of eugenics. The article is generally excellent. As a philosopher, I sometimes teach applied ethics. I am generally pretty much liberal-ish,… Continue Reading
[Given that the gents over at Not a Potted Plant so graciously allowed me to contribute this week’s Monday Trivia question, it’s fitting that this week’s Tuesday question comes from Will Truman. — RS] A couple moves back, I lived… Continue Reading