Patient BW, DOB 2/16/1971
[By special request] Patient: Wayne, Bruce DOB: 2/16/1971 Occupation: Industrialist Insurance: Self-pay Emergency Contact: Dick Grayson, XXX-269-9637
[By special request] Patient: Wayne, Bruce DOB: 2/16/1971 Occupation: Industrialist Insurance: Self-pay Emergency Contact: Dick Grayson, XXX-269-9637
Because there are people out there who think this is a good idea: You’ve probably heard of “chickenpox parties,” where parents get unvaccinated kids together (in the home of an infected child) in the hopes they’ll catch the disease. They think making… Continue Reading
There was a lovely little dovetail this morning between what I listened to on my drive to work and my catch-up reading once I got there. First the bit from the radio, courtesy of WBUR: WBUR’s Martha Bebinger reports that… Continue Reading
[Editor’s note: As much as I like to keep my Tuesday Questions stupid, I’m having a hard time coming up with deliberately moronic questions to ask. Thus I am transitioning to simple “Tuesday Questions,” where I ask you what you… Continue Reading
Like Mr. Kain, I also found Will Wilkinson’s essay on how conservatives, liberals and libertarians view the role of outside forces vs personal agency in a person’s success very interesting. Wilkinson opens with this quote: Harmon (2010a) built on these… Continue Reading
This comment of Will’s got me thinking about how the medical profession sometimes comes across. On the subject of whether women should give up drinking because it may raise breast cancer risk a bit, he says: The thought of taking… Continue Reading
Suppose you are a woman who enjoys a glass of wine or two with dinner. This is the amount of alcohol you consume most of the time, and rarely if ever do so excessively. You don’t drive drunk, you can… Continue Reading
I used to love Madonna. I realize that this in one of those somewhat embarrassing things to admit as a full-grown man, but there you have it. I thought she was just the coolest human being on the planet for… Continue Reading
and yet there I was, I regret I have not had the opportunity to write anything of particular substance today. Or rather, anything with as much substance as I am ever capable of producing. Thus, all I have is one… Continue Reading
[First of all (though one would think this could go without saying), if you haven’t seen the finale of this season of Project Runway and wish to do so without knowing who won, come back and read this post later.]… Continue Reading