Jaybird has a dream. I live to serve. *If I’m going to engage in foolish joshing, I may as well resort to outright thievery.
Jaybird has a dream. I live to serve. *If I’m going to engage in foolish joshing, I may as well resort to outright thievery.
I listen to a lot of NPR. This is largely due to an unalloyed loathing of most of the music in vogue right now, as well as the brain-melting blather sprinkled between the computer-generated “songs.” (I have also caught myself… Continue Reading
Remember back in the day, when men shaved with a razor that had only one blade? Well, I don’t either. By the time my adolescent self had even the barest need to shave, the Gilette Sensor had already been on… Continue Reading
God bless Posh Spice. N.B. a recent Stupid Tuesday Question, it looks like she’s done it again.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that doctors can be schmucks. For a profession that deals so directly with people, particularly people at their most vulnerable, we can be surprisingly bad at playing well with others. The god complex has… Continue Reading
A few years ago, I attended a medical staff meeting at the hospital that employed me at the time. These meetings weren’t particularly high on my list of things I loved about the job, and often involved discussions that didn’t… Continue Reading
In the interest of full disclosure, I should admit at the outset that I don’t have any basis for comparing anything to fraternity hazing. I wasn’t in a fraternity, so any impression of what pledges go through to join is… Continue Reading
I would love to believe that, as a physician, the only thing that influences my choice of treatment for my patients is the science that supports it. Despite the cajoling and back-slapping and free chazerai that festoons my office, I… Continue Reading
Some guy once wrote “Brevity is the soul of wit.” In that spirit, I’d like to help the New York Times out with a headline. The original: Obama Moves Near ‘Greater Equality’ on Gay Marriage Hmmmm… too wordy. Let’s just… Continue Reading
This is another one I’m stealing from the foolish games I would play with my friends to pass the time. Ages ago, the woman once known as Posh Spice and her superstar athlete husband chose the name “Brooklyn” for their… Continue Reading