With all due respect to surgeons
Back in the murky mists of the 1990s, I did my surgery rotation. When I first got to medical school, for some reason I thought I wanted to be a surgeon. I do not know where on earth I got… Continue Reading
Back in the murky mists of the 1990s, I did my surgery rotation. When I first got to medical school, for some reason I thought I wanted to be a surgeon. I do not know where on earth I got… Continue Reading
I find describing my political leanings difficult sometimes. An easy answer would probably be “liberal,” since I favor a pretty robust social safety net, and am definitely to the left on most social issues. That said, I am aware of… Continue Reading
Greetings from a medical office in Massachusetts, democracy’s laboratory! This just in: A bill that will adjust virtually every piece of the state’s health care system is now law. Gov. Deval Patrick signed the legislation Monday morning in a packed… Continue Reading
This past weekend, I accompanied the Better Half to his 20-year high school reunion. He hadn’t seen many of his former classmates since graduation, and he had a grand time catching up with them. For my part, I had a… Continue Reading
The other day, as is our wont, Rose and I were chatting on the phone about our lives, our families, current events, etc. I gathered from our conversation that she had not been watching the Olympics with the same avidity… Continue Reading
During my time living in New York City, I worked at several different hospitals at various points. One of them was a Major City Hospital with a massive and very well-regarded emergency department. Being a famous emergency department in a… Continue Reading
I apologize for how I keep going on and on about Chick-fil-A. I know the whole ordeal is just another tedious way station in the long slog toward marriage equality in this country, and a particularly silly one at that. … Continue Reading
Not so long ago, I wrote about why doctors shouldn’t lie to their patients. Frankly, I still find it rather baffling that a truth that seems so self-evident to me would need stating. Baffled as I may be, however, clearly… Continue Reading
There’s something magical about the Olympics. Perhaps there’s something intrinsically fascinating about internationalism. Perhaps I’m simply susceptible to media manipulation. Perhaps it has something to do with the combination of impossibly fit people and eye-catching competition wear (what there is… Continue Reading
I love picture books. I love the sense of whimsy and wonder and humor that you can often find in them. I love Maurice Sendak and Mo Willems and Kevin Henkes. I remember one especially magical story from when I… Continue Reading