Let’s not be stupid, people
Full disclosure: I have never eaten at Chick-fil-A. Part of this is due to the lack of any of their franchises around where I live. The last time I know I had the chance to sample their wares was years… Continue Reading
Full disclosure: I have never eaten at Chick-fil-A. Part of this is due to the lack of any of their franchises around where I live. The last time I know I had the chance to sample their wares was years… Continue Reading
I… do not understand this: Fire officials said 21 people at an event hosted by motivational speaker Tony Robbins suffered burns while walking across hot coals and three of the injured were treated at hospitals. The injuries took place during… Continue Reading
Recently, I was with my middle kid, whom I will call James, on a playdate. The other kid was receiving physical therapy and speech therapy because he wasn’t walking or talking at 15 months. He seemed otherwise normal to my… Continue Reading
TV has changed drastically in the past decade. Yet we still use the same names for TV genres that we always did: soap, sitcom, drama, cop show, hospital show. Or else we just use derivatives from movies: Western, horror, noir,… Continue Reading
The above image of a woman holding her son was from the article in the New York Times about the movie theater shooting in Aurora. (The photo is credited to Barry Gutierrez of the Associated Press.) I know that I… Continue Reading
Asks Burt: What’s the next big public health risk? Not public health scare, since that’s as likely as not to be something like “psoraisis” given the panicked ignorance that characterizes medical “journalism.” And we have to exclude the “unknown unknowns,”… Continue Reading
In a late entry, Jaybird asks: To what extent do you tend to recommend stuff in your day to day interactions (and I don’t mean “you’ve got to go to the new Thai place on 3rd” but “it’s my recommendation… Continue Reading
The university at which I teach and study is in a pretty high crime area. The campus and county police do their damnedest to get crime alerts out to the students, faculty, and staff. So I am woefully ungrateful for… Continue Reading
So we’re hosting a fundraiser for the national support group for my son’s Ridiculously Rare Syndrome. We are doing an email/FB beg as well as holding a silent auction at a local art gallery. Question for those of you who… Continue Reading
Asks Boegiboe: Are infant and toddler size-weight percentiles useful things for parents to be looking at, as opposed to just aggregations of data for physicians to use? The latter. Dear God, the latter. Weight, height and head circumference percentiles are similar to… Continue Reading