Briefly noted
Normally, I don’t get my hopes up about what medicine will ever be able to do for my son’s future. I just focus on education, therapies, and looooooove. But every so often, I read something like this, and I have… Continue Reading
Normally, I don’t get my hopes up about what medicine will ever be able to do for my son’s future. I just focus on education, therapies, and looooooove. But every so often, I read something like this, and I have… Continue Reading
It would have been enough if you had spent your years after being a Rhodes scholar with a law degree from Yale living in a troubled housing complex and helping tenants get improved conditions. But you also replaced the corrupt… Continue Reading
Will’s and DensityDuck’scomments in this thread gave me the idea to write this post. This is just an anecdotal musing, not a data-supported argument for anything. But it seems to me that campus feminism has gone through an enormous shift… Continue Reading
From the New York Times: The Food and Drug Administration announced the new rule Wednesday after trying for more than 35 years to stop farmers and ranchers from feeding antibiotics to cattle, pigs, chickens and other animals simply to help… Continue Reading
Hoo, boy. Leave it to Sweden to bring out my inner conservative: [F]or many Swedes, gender equality is not enough. Many are pushing for the Nordic nation to be not simply gender-equal but gender-neutral. The idea is that the government… Continue Reading
Inspired by Patrick, I offer the following. Out of the blue, my 4 year old son sits down at the table, turns to my husband, and says, “Daddy, come join me at the table and let’s talk about things that… Continue Reading
My only question upon reading of this latest idiocy is: am I the only one whose immediate reaction was to think of James Gregory and the bottle of Heinz ketchup in “The Manchurian Candidate”? Update: Per Tom’s comment below, it… Continue Reading
I’m surprised you lasted this long. I hope you enjoy your fate in the dustbin of history, a destination you richly deserve.
I know a lot of video game geeks haunt these hallowed halls. And I need your help for a philosophical issue I’ve been thinking about. There are, like, no empirical data that tease out this issue. One would think that… Continue Reading
I have a tendency to yell at the television. Not constantly, mind you. But sometimes. I cannot watch medical dramas for this reason. “ER” came out at almost exactly the same time that I entered medical school, and for the… Continue Reading