The tyranny of doctor’s notes
This post is both an observation and a related query. I want to know if what I’m seeing is particular to my area, or if it’s happening all over the place. As one might imagine, I see patients for all… Continue Reading
This post is both an observation and a related query. I want to know if what I’m seeing is particular to my area, or if it’s happening all over the place. As one might imagine, I see patients for all… Continue Reading
I kept meaning to write this post, and here it is! I know this was covered before elsewhere on this blog; but that was before my time, so I couldn’t contribute my pearls of wisdom. This is the theory I… Continue Reading
So, beloved readers, I am soliciting your feedback. A little while ago I decided that what this site needed was a Weekly Feature. Something fun and frivolous and in keeping with my character. And the answer that struck me was… Continue Reading
I generally don’t write too much about pseudo-medical woo that often. The main reason is that Orac at Respectful Insolence does it so very well, thus there’s no need for me to peddle an inferior version. But it seems he’ll… Continue Reading
One of the banes of my teaching existence is the degree to which my students fail to respond to old movies. There are a few happy exceptions, of course, who love old movies – or at least, are eager to… Continue Reading
The Times has an article about professors who are seeking more frequent feedback from their students. A BU professor, Muhammad Zaman, asks for ratings from his students every other week and charts the results.
The CDC yesterday released a study showing that autism rates have spiked. 1 in 88 kids are affected. What the hell is going on? People have speculated about possible environmental cause, as the president of Autism Speaks seemed (arguably) to… Continue Reading
So, lots of parents like to tell other people how to parent. Including me. But I’d like to remind myself and others that perhaps one should judge not, whether or not ye get judged. The whole story is not apparent.… Continue Reading
I’ll admit that the title of this post is a little bit disingenuous for a few reasons. First of all, I would vote for a shaved ape before I voted for Rick Santorum, and I made my decision about him… Continue Reading
… and I’ll bet your doctor doesn’t, either. Okay, that’s is a bit of an overstatement. I know what my little bit of my patients’ healthcare costs are. I know what my practice charges for office visits and vaccines and… Continue Reading