Author: Kyle Cupp

Would Jesus Support Healthcare Reform?

Would Jesus Support Healthcare Reform?

I can’t tell whether John White is being intentionally fatuous or whether he genuinely doesn’t understand Christians on the Left, but either way, his response to John Blake’s article–“Would Jesus support health care reform?–is...

Sullivan Responds

Sullivan Responds

In a post I wrote yesterday critical of Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek article “Christianity in Crisis,” I noted that works of power were and are necessary for the transmission of the Gospels’ practical messages.  Sullivan...

Christianity and Power

Christianity and Power

In his Newsweek cover-essay, Andrew Sullivan expresses his longing for a “simpler, purer, apolitical Christianity” and anticipates that the religion will rise from its current crisis when “when politics and doctrine and pride recede.” ...

Gospel Power Plays

Gospel Power Plays

Richard Beck of Experimental Theology reads Jesus’s statement “Call no man on earth father” as an attack upon patriarchal power structures and upon power plays in general: So the issue isn’t really about gender,...

Philosophy as a Culture War

Philosophy as a Culture War

The other day, philosopher Santiago Zabala chose to honor the late Hans-Georg Gadamer by rallying his troops in the philosophy world’s version of the culture war: In this decade since Gadamer’s death, hermeneutics has...

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