Category: Religion

Freedom to Profess the True Religion

Freedom to Profess the True Religion

Historian Roberto de Mattei has an old-fashioned and exclusive notion of religious freedom: The liberty of the believer is based on the truth believed and not on the self-determination of the individual. The Catholic...

Critics of Religion

Critics of Religion

Ross Douthat wants more candor from religion’s critics and detractors: It may seem strange that anyone could look around the pornography-saturated, fertility-challenged, family-breakdown-plagued West and see a society menaced by a repressive puritanism. But...

God: The Decider

God: The Decider

Popular theologian and preacher John Piper, a Calvinistic Baptist, professes image of God that I call “The Decider.” Here’s Piper, playing defense for his genocidal deity: It’s right for God to slaughter women and...

On Hate and Hell

On Hate and Hell

Andrew Hackman calls Hell a hateful idea: [T]he vast majority of Christian churches believe that anyone who does not subscribe to some form of Christianity (and often, their version of Christianity) is going to...

Did SCOTUS Commit a Sin?

Did SCOTUS Commit a Sin?

Observing the reactions on my Facebook feed to the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act, I have been most intrigued by the religious responses that call upon God to have “mercy on...

Blogging One’s Conversion

Blogging One’s Conversion

Rod Dreher and Patrick Archbold are alarmed that former atheist blogger Leah Libresco plans to write about her conversion while in the process of becoming Catholic.  Dreher worries that the ideologues who infest conversion-related...

The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye

My day job brings me into the lives of people during moments of crisis, personal tragedy, turmoil, and loss.  Both day and night I receive calls informing me that someone has died.  The death...

The Inquisition Is Alive, But Is It Well?

The Inquisition Is Alive, But Is It Well?

The inquisition continues to this day, albeit under a different name and with different methods.  The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), formerly called the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and...

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