Journeys in Alterity
Sympathy with Evil Queens and Other Female Villains
There’s a sort of cultural critic who insists that fairy tales clearly distinguish, both morally and aesthetically, the wide chasm between the figures of good and the forces of evil. I’m thinking of someone...
The Best Thing Ever!
On YouTube, anyway. “Baby Got Back” in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan: (H/T: The Darwins)
Gospel Power Plays
Richard Beck of Experimental Theology reads Jesus’s statement “Call no man on earth father” as an attack upon patriarchal power structures and upon power plays in general: So the issue isn’t really about gender,...
The Supreme Court Should Assess the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act
First, let me say that I have no moral objection to the Affordable Care Act mandate that I purchase health insurance coverage. It’s not my ideal method of ensuring universal healthcare, but it’s one...
Philosophy as a Culture War
The other day, philosopher Santiago Zabala chose to honor the late Hans-Georg Gadamer by rallying his troops in the philosophy world’s version of the culture war: In this decade since Gadamer’s death, hermeneutics has...
Storytelling Pet Peeve #1: Being Told How to Feel about a Morally Complex Situation
I began this past weekend with a vitally important task: asking a question on Facebook. Specifically, I inquired into everyone’s pick for the worst movie ever, and by Hephaestus’s hammer did my friends submit...