Quote of the day

Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money. Obama wants to take whitey’s money.

~the entirety of an Adam Serwer post titled “Every Rush Limbaugh Show Since 2009”

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the editor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.


  1. I’ll see your Media Matters and raise you BHO himself:

    The title of Reverend Wright’s sermon that morning was “The Audacity of Hope.” He began with a passage from the Book of Samuel—the story of Hannah, who, barren and taunted by her rivals, had wept and shaken in prayer before her God. The story reminded him, he said, of a sermon a fellow pastor had preached at a conference some years before, in which the pastor described going to a museum and being confronted by a painting title Hope.

    “It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!”

    Bold face mine, “Audacity of Hope” also being the name of the President’s second auto-hagiographies.

    • Let’s see: you’re quoting Obama quoting Wright quoting some unnamed pastor. What does this prove, exactly?

      • Mike:

        It shows Barry agreed with this philosophy enough to listen to it every weekend until it was revealed to the larger public and then Barry acted like he didn’t agree with it in order to fool voters.

        • BHO never repudiated the “white man’s greed” sentiment to my knowledge. This leaves Mr. Schilling’s argument incoherent yet again, and on the facts, it was indeed from a Jeremiah Wright sermon, the very one BHO named a book after.

          As for El Rushbo, his critics never know when he’s kidding with the proverbial grain of truth, which is his M.O.—the Mugabe thing was not intended literally.

          Since they have lost their sense of humor, they assume everyone else has too. That BHO has “created or saved” 4.5 million pickup basketball games is funny on many levels, none of which have to do with race, except by-the-by.

          Limbaugh simply doesn’t care anymore about such critics, and won’t let PC stand in the way of a good joke.

          • That is, thinks Limbaugh says count for less than things Obama didn’t say. Glad to hear you haven’t changed, Tom.

          • Limbaugh is wittier and more incisive—and gets far more facts straight—than you do, sir. Take a page. Right now, you’re merely boring, something El Rushbo has never been accused of.

  2. It’s true, isn’t it? Raising taxes on the top 1-2% of income earners, a group which is overwhelmingly white, is a key part of Obama’s agenda. He campaigned on it.

    Also, “Obama wants to take whitey’s money” is not an accurate characterization of some of those links. Not surprising, given that Serwer has a history of being a bit trigger-happy on crying “racist.” But you know—it’s just dandy when he disingenuously attributes others’ disagreements with him to racism.

    • It’s true, isn’t it? Raising taxes on the top 1-2% of income earners, a group which is overwhelmingly white, is a key part of Obama’s agenda. He campaigned on it.

      Seriously? White people are victims because they make enough money to pay the top marginal rate?

      • Mike:

        Maybe it isn’t intentional but liberals are always claiming the legal theory of disparate impact is legitimate so why not apply it here, since a policy may seemingly be neutral but has a desperate impact on one group.

  3. Oooo, ace fisk of this race-baiting Serwer fellow, Mr. Berg, and a caution against passing his along work without qualification. [Esp when his source is Media Matters, a tiring polemic that is entirely ignorant of how to measure the distance between a tongue and a cheek.]

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