Because you said so
When I meet new people and tell them I’m a pediatrician, there are a handful of common responses I get. There’s usually a remark about how much I must love kids. (Most of the time.) Sometimes people ask if it’s… Continue Reading
When I meet new people and tell them I’m a pediatrician, there are a handful of common responses I get. There’s usually a remark about how much I must love kids. (Most of the time.) Sometimes people ask if it’s… Continue Reading
Surprise, surprise. A “pro-family” organization in Florida (a state I will always associate with one of the last century’s finest singers and humanitarians) doesn’t like the current iteration of the Degrassi franchise. Why? There are queers afoot. Heaven help me,… Continue Reading
A few years ago, I underwent a somewhat horrifying personal transformation into the sort of person who runs for fun. It started innocently enough one day when I thought I might go for a short jog, and somewhere along the… Continue Reading
[A short while ago, I invited my best friend to contribute posts to Blinded Trials on any subject she thought might be of interest. Below is the first of what I hope will be many.] by Rose Woodhouse Jeffrey Goldberg,… Continue Reading
Yo! Vancouver! WTF???!? Riots? Over sports? When did you turn into Detroit? Can someone please explain to me what possesses people to care this much about sports? When Helen Hunt and Jack Nicholson won Oscars for their startling performances as… Continue Reading
Ed Kilgore has an article in The New Republic on Rick Perry’s prospects as a potential presidential candidate. I tend to shy aware from political prognostication and analysis (preferring to leave that to my betters over at the main page… Continue Reading
I tend to find the Huffington Post more annoying than it’s worth to read, but every so often I’ll scan through in a weaker moment, mainly to see what new inanity the popular culture has birthed. In so doing this… Continue Reading
Over at American Times, beard enthusiast and first-among-LOOG-equals E.D. Kain reminds American women of a happier time, when they could gorge themselves on ironized yeast in hopes of turning into Jayne Mansfield. But lest the League‘s distaff readership pine too… Continue Reading
Those of you with weak hearts, uncontrolled seizure disorders or a fragile belief in the innate beneficence of all humanity should probably skip this post. Those of you made of sterner stuff, get ready for me to rock your world!… Continue Reading
The Tony Awards were this past Sunday. I watch them every year, for a variety of reasons — I attended the ceremony once, I used to date a guy who later won one, I loved good theater when I lived… Continue Reading