I’m no basketball fan
But even I think this is funny: (Via Fallows)
But even I think this is funny: (Via Fallows)
A friend brought this opinion piece in the New York Times to my attention yesterday. Dr. Karen Sibert, a stridently proud full-time anesthesiologist, argues that women who choose to work as part-time physicians are short-changing their patients and the country. … Continue Reading
Asks Pierre Corneille: What is your view of the rising use of nurse practitioners? Hurrah! An easy question I might be able to answer adequately. I think they’re great. (And not just because there are three in my office who… Continue Reading
Asks chum and fellow LOOG blogger Burt: Would reform of medical malpractice laws alter the practice of medicine, and if so, for good or ill? Granted you’re affiliated with a large institution so you may feel the impact of that… Continue Reading
Every so often, my brain gets a burr under its saddle. Some question or puzzle that I can’t answer, no matter how hard I look or ponder. For example, when I read Infinite Jest I kept a (lengthy) list of… Continue Reading
Asks Density Duck: What do you think about off-label usage of drugs? Broadly speaking, not a whole lot. It’s a very, very common practice, and for the most part not problematic. Anyone who works in pharmaceutical development should feel free… Continue Reading
Jack Kevorkian has died. From the obituary in the New York Times. From June 1990, when he assisted in the first suicide, until March 1999, when he was sentenced to serve 10 to 25 years in a maximum security prison,… Continue Reading
I asked for questions to answer, and I got some responses. Hoorah! Ideas for posts! I’ll answer all three (or however many more may get added over time), but may as well start with a relatively easy question to answer. … Continue Reading
I have to go stick my head in the oven. Submitted without further comment: ASPIRING fiction writers, don’t take it too hard, but the Kardashian sisters, best known for their skill in cozying up to reality-show cameras, are about to… Continue Reading
Before I took my current job, I worked at a medium-sized hospital-owned practice in mid-Maine. So I found this recent article in the New York Times about doctors’ supposedly shifting politics intriguing. (Hat tip: you know who you are.) AUGUSTA,… Continue Reading