Journeys in Alterity

How Marriage Works

How Marriage Works

I took this past week off from my day job to get some writing done on a long term project, and decided, during this time, to start on a beard.  My new beard was...

A Conversation

A Conversation

“Mom, I beat level six!” “Dude,” I say, “I beat level six for you.” “Mom, my guy beat level six!”



I wish I were at the theater now.  Erik Kain and Alyssa Rosenberg both give the Pixar fairy tale a thumbs up.  Rosenberg: Brave plants a flag in much-derided territory and makes something visually...

Blogging One’s Conversion

Blogging One’s Conversion

Rod Dreher and Patrick Archbold are alarmed that former atheist blogger Leah Libresco plans to write about her conversion while in the process of becoming Catholic.  Dreher worries that the ideologues who infest conversion-related...

The Ethics of Childbearing

The Ethics of Childbearing

Writing at The Stone, Christine Overall wants us to give careful ethical reflection to the question of whether to have children: If we fail to acknowledge that the decision of whether to parent or...

The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye

My day job brings me into the lives of people during moments of crisis, personal tragedy, turmoil, and loss.  Both day and night I receive calls informing me that someone has died.  The death...

When Truth Serves Power

When Truth Serves Power

I see two reasons for being suspicious of truth claims made by authorities, be the authorities religious, political, or otherwise: first, a particular claim may not be true, and second, even if a claim...

Was Snow White’s Showdown a Letdown?

Was Snow White’s Showdown a Letdown?

Because I am in no way obsessed, but rather for the simple reason that most new visitors to this site seem to have come for commentary on Charlize Theron’s milky bathing habits, I thought...

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