Journeys in Alterity

Love Has No Time Constraints

Love Has No Time Constraints

Avery Lynn Canahuati, the five-month-old with spinal muscular atrophy whom I wrote about on Saturday, passed away Monday afternoon due to pulmonary complications.  She had been expected to live another 18 months, so her...

Narrating a Dying Child’s Life

Narrating a Dying Child’s Life

Avery is the five-month-old daughter of Laura and Mike Canahuati.  She suffers from a rare genetic disorder that will take her life in less than two years.  In response to learning, on Good Friday...

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“Every story is a play of at least three persons (author/actor/addressee) whose outcome is never final. That is why narrative is an open-ended invitation to ethical and poetic responsiveness.  Storytelling invites us to become...

Excremental Deity

Excremental Deity

In his diary, Evelyn Waugh reminisced about his friend Randolph Churchill’s response to reading the Bible for the very first time: “My God, what a shit God is!” Yeah, I say with a sigh....

Echoes on the Road

Echoes on the Road

“The performance of a play, like that of a ritual, cannot simply be detached from the play itself, as if it were something that is not part of its essential being, but is as...

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