I am a sucker for a good kung fu film. I grew up with the occasional Bruce Lee movie on UHF but it wasn’t until high school that both technology and opportunity aligned for me and I was able to start… Continue Reading
I am a sucker for a good kung fu film. I grew up with the occasional Bruce Lee movie on UHF but it wasn’t until high school that both technology and opportunity aligned for me and I was able to start… Continue Reading
I am, by no means, a good DM/Storyteller. I want to become a better one, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around the basics. When discussing DM theory with friends, I’ve come across two basic (mutually exclusive!) goals.… Continue Reading
So… what are you reading/watching? I finally picked up Volume One of Ultimate Spider-Man and I’m surprised by how easily it can be updated to 2000 from 1962 while changing only the technobabble. No longer a “radioactive” spider, it’s now… Continue Reading
So… what are you playing? I’m spending most of my time on XBox Live games. Full House Poker, A World of Keflings, and Comic Jumper. I fully intend to get back to Force Unleashed II! It’s just that I feel… Continue Reading
If I were to start making oblique references in these posts, I could have called this one “Gambon!”, I suppose. Anyway, this week’s wine is Layer Cake Shiraz 2009. Reg $21.79, on sale for $15.99? I suspect that the point of… Continue Reading
While playing with the Internet Anagram Server (don’t ask), I found out that “Mindless Diversions” anagrams out to “Evildoers’ Minds’ Sins” (which just barely beat out “Deisms Vend Sirloins”). So. What’s the real name of *YOUR* hangout?
Last Sunday, I went over to my friend DMan’s and watched Wrestlemania XXVII (as he and I have watched Wrestlemania together since Wrestlemania XIV). Our gaming buddy Steve also came over as he said that his son (“Mr. 9”) had… Continue Reading
Remember the scene in Kill Bill Part 2 where Bill explains Superman? It’s a pretty good monologue… here it is, if you haven’t seen it (with Spanish subtitles!): Now, I am no one to begrudge a man a decent monologue… Continue Reading
Oh, my goodness. The week I’ve had. That doesn’t justify putting up a music post late but, still. So… what are you listening to? I’ve got the eponymous God Lives Underwater EP in my car cd player right now. It’s… Continue Reading
The first three or four times I had a conversation about this game, I had to figure out that we were not talking about the computer game contemporary of Doom. Nope, this is a board game. An old fashioned, dice-rolling,… Continue Reading