
Well, I’ve been watching mostly Babylon 5 (which isn’t that interesting to talk about on a blog that’s watching Babylon 5 as a group) but also a couple of fan films from Fallout that are, seriously, *SURPRISINGLY* good.

There’s Fallout: Nuka Break and, now the sequel, Fallout: Nuka Break – Red Star.

If you’ve ever been in love with the Fallout Universe, you need to watch both of these and count the minutes until Fallout 4. Or 5. Or whatever it is.

So… what are you reading and/or watching?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. At this exact moment I’m watching Orange is the New Black because Netflix told me to (shut up, you don’t know me!) and what better to do when you have insomnia…

  2. Went to see Pacific Rim. If you want a quality action movie with great effects, giant robots fighting giant monsters, some-but-not-a-great-deal of depth, and decent characterization, I recommend it.

  3. An NZ indie-ish flick from 2005 called 50 ways of saying fabulous, which was really weird, but very good. a couple more episodes of quantum leap.

    I finally got around to reading Westerfeld’s Extras, years after I listened to the rest of those books on audio. And I read the Factsheet Five zine reader, which was pretty great.

  4. My son and I have finished the third season of Eureka (he’s become a big Warehouse 13 and Eureka), and begun watching Continuum in earnest. It’s fun. Once again I am a fan of Canadian TV.

    We’ve spent at least an hour swimming every day for more than a week now, and I have been forced to realize that I was way too out of shape for that. Every inch of my body now aches. So I will spend the day sitting around reading Pat Barker’s Toby’s Room while moving as little as possible.

  5. I cannot answer that question because No Politics.

    I will be listening to a certain very, very long audiobook while driving across the country. So if a week from now I am unhinged, you will know why.

    • Does this book include a very, very, very long speech? I find that I don’t enjoy audiobooks that are talky. The narration in Lord Jim just about drove me crazy, and that’s a great book.

      • I feel the same way about audiobooks, for the same reason.

        Several years ago, I listened to Miles Davis’ autobiography, read by LeVar Burton. I can not explain just how disturbing it is to hear some of those words in the voice of the host of Reading Rainbow.

        • In contrast, favorite audiobooks ever:

          On second thought, that’s a post.

        • My commute at my last several jobs has been:
          130 miles, 120 minutes
          80 miles, 180 minutes
          60 miles, 75 minutes
          110 miles, 110 minutes

          Audiobooks have been a real livesaver for me. I am a member of both eMusic audiobooks and Audible.

      • Yes, I am told that there is a very long speech to come.

        Anyway, forget the jet packs and flying cars. I Want Reardon Metal. Except with a cooler name.

        • I Want Reardon Metal. Except with a cooler name.

          And today it would have a cooler name.

          It’s like the U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men, Inc. in I, Robot. No surprise they updated it to U.S. Robotics in the movie.

          • There is a real-life company called U.S. Robotics. They make modems.

          • That feels like a downgrade. You know the movie “John Carter”? I understand it was originally called “John Carter From Mars”.

            Shortening the title did not improve it, make it more appealing, make it sexier, or make anybody want to see it who was not already inclined to see it.

            People probably wondered if it wasn’t a sequel to Michael Collins.

    • Rot13ed, in order to maintain the whole “no politics” thing. (Not that the comment is *THAT* political…)

      Enaq’f urebrf ner abg rira fvyyl naq orlbaq oryvrs. Lbh zvtug svaq vg qvssvphyg gb vzntvar fbzrbar jub pbhyq vzntvar gurfr crbcyr nf orvat urebrf. Vg’f whfg jnnnnnnnl bhg gurer.

      Ure onq thlf ner evccrq sebz gur urnqyvarf.

      • V’z pbashfrq. Ner gur barf jub encr jbzna naq oybj hc ohvyqvatf gur urebf be gur ivyynvaf?

        • They’re *BEYOND* our petty human scales of justice. We can’t stand in judgment of them. We can only stand in awe.

      • Jryy, V’z sbhe ubhef (bhg bs svsgl-svir!) va naq vg nccrnef gung n ureb bs gur urebrf xvyyrq n fgngr yrtvfyngbe. Jub V thrff unq vg pbzvat orpnhfr gur qrngu cranygl vf nccebcevngr sbe pebbxrq cbyvgvpvnaf?

        Jvgu ertneq gb gur ivyynvaf, nfcrpgf bs vg jbex fcrpgnpghyneyl. Ohg vg frrzf gb zr (xrrcvat va zvaq guvf vf irel rneyl ba) gung Enaq jnagf gurz obgu sbbyvfu naq qrivbhf ng gur fnzr gvzr va n jnl gung vfa’g dhvgr jbexvat. Ohg ure jrnivat va ybsgl vqrnyf bs frysyrffarff sbe punenpgref jub ner chefhvat zber frys-vagrerfgrq raqf evatf dhvgr gehr. (Ab cbyvgvpf.)

        • If I were to support the policy in question, the class in question would certainly not be exempt. Heck, we’d probably have incontrovertible material evidence.

      • Zl ceboyrz jvgu ure urebrf vf gung gurl’er abg uhzna. Fur jnagf gurz gb or ragveryl frys-fhssvprag, jvgubhg npghny arrq sbeiuhzna pbzcnavbafuvc be npghny pnevat sbe nal bguref, rira gubfr pybfrfg gb gurz. Frggvat nfvqr gur ceboyrz gung perngrf sbe ure cuvybfbcul (orpnhfr ab cbyvgvpf!), vg znxrf gur urebrf hayvxnoyr, qvssvphyg gb eryngr gb, naq abg ragveryl nggenpgvir ebyr zbqryf sbe erny uhznaf jub ribyirq nf n fbpvny fcrpvrf.

        • V jbhyq unir cersreerq iravnyyl vqrnyvfgvp va freivpr gb n qbbzrq cuvybfbcul. Guvf pbhyq unir whfg nf znal znffvir zvfgnxrf orvat znqr juvyr, ng gur fnzr gvzr, trggvat lbh gb fnl “V’ir urneq gung fcrrpu sebz cbyvgvpvnaf va gur ynfg jrrx!”

          Nf sbe ure urebrf? “Gurl’er n ernpgvba gb Fgnyva” vf nyy gung znxrf frafr gb zr. V pna’g pbzceruraq nalbar jevgvat gurz haqre nal bgure pvephzfgnaprf.

          (Naq, znl V nqq gb nyy lbh bhg gurer, vs lbh *ERNYYL* jnag gb ernq fbzr fcrrpurf tvira ol fbzr nagv-Fgnyva urebrf, zvtug V fhttrfg Fbymuravgfla?)

          • “Gurl nonaqba gur crggl pbapreaf bs uhznavgl va chefhvg bs gurve vqrnyf” vfa’g n ernpgvba gb Fgnyva. Vg vf Fgnyva.

  6. Reading Michael Chabon, Maps & Legends.

    Might watch Looper later. (Or maybe I already DID…)

    • Looper was pretty good. I think I’d like to see it a second time, to resolve a few questions. And there are a couple biggies, but that happens in any time-travel movie.

  7. Reading “A Wrinkle In Time”. Somehow I never read that book in its entirety. Stumbled upon it in the school library so figured I’d give it a whirl.

    • That is a book I really want to reread. Not sure when I will get to it. I have so much to read.

  8. Took ND and my dad out for lunch for his birthday and Bastille Day.

  9. Reading Fragile Things, which is a collection of Neil Gaiman stories. The first one, A Study in Emerald, is a space awesome Hugo-winning Sherlock Holmes pastiche, and available online here.

  10. I did not watch much this weekend, but I finished up James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper, which freed me up to start on War and Peace. I am only a few pages into it, but I should really get to dive in this week.

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