
Golly, this week was a corker. Everything that could have been anthropomorphized started making all sorts of decisions that I, myself, would not have made. This culminated in me having no more intellectual energy and therefore being pretty much useless tonight with the exception of laundry and associated video games.

Tomorrow’s plans involve the kickoff of a 4th Edition game where my halfling thief will teach everybody else exactly how easy it is to wake up in jail.

Sunday’s plans involve brunch with Mom.

And then it’s Monday again? Already???

Anyway, what are you doing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Mostly, classwork.

    But also: imbibing and playing video games with my husband, D&D 4th edition with our friends on Saturday night, lunch with my mother-in-law on Sunday, and appreciating that I don’t have to work on Monday.

  2. I just finished a week of junior golf clinics and think a week with 23, 6-14 year old kids could go great lengths towards curbing our abortion problems by making two people never want to do anything remotely resembling an act that might produce even one of these little turds.

    But I love ’em.

  3. 5 year old “kitty cat” themed birthday party tomorrow at 2. We are not ready; spousal unit is finishing up the kittycat ears and tails now (gift bags are done); decorations and yard cleaning and whatnot all take place between “I finished my coffee” and “I need to get in the shower because people are showing up in 20.” tomorrow.

    And then braindeath for a day and a half. May to mid-June is rough; from Mother’s Day until next Friday we’ve got end-of-year activities for two schools (Kitty’s on the PTA at one and the board at another, that’s fortunately going to be *one* institution next year when the younger hits Kinder), our neighborhood association meetings, a half-million birthdays (no kidding, the number of May birthdays in our immediate friends and family is ridiculous). Sunday my goal is to maybe change out of my pajamas.

    I’ll probably start work on demo’ing the old jacuzzi instead, on account o’ I’m crazy, but right now, I’m dreaming of the pajamas.

    • This morning I was talking to Maribou about how people always meow to cats as a way of communicating and I’m sure the cats are wondering why we’re saying “let me in the house” or “give me brushies” over and over again.

      • Cats are impolite, they probably assume we’re all telling them to fish off, as that’s what they would say to us, given half the chance.

  4. Getting ready for Polycon, a gaming convention in San Luis Obispo, CA that’s in two weeks. I’m running their D&D tournament this year–A version of “Against the Giants” that plays up the Norse Mythology angle, since this year’s theme is Vikings.

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