
I go up to the counter of my little local beverage shoppe with a bottle of this. She looked at me and said “seriously?”

“It’s for my blog”, I explained.

Tait. The Ball Buster. I’ll read from the label:

G’Day Mates,

I don’t know what aromas and flavors you’ll find when you try this wine – wine appreciation is so subjective and often too pretentious for my liking. I make my wines the way I like them – big, thick, juicy and deep in color. I wanted to name this wine “Michelle’s Block” – after my wife. But that conjures up visions of a soft and elegant sort of wine – and trust me mates, this little beauty is nothing like that. She’s broad shouldered, build like a stallion and packs an intensity of flavor – like only the Barrosa can deliver. She’s what I call “The Ball Buster” mate… and so is this wine!

Enjoy it – Cheers!

                             Bruno Tait    winemaker

See? How do you *NOT* get one of these to review even if you know that the lady behind the counter is going to roll her eyes at you?

In any case, the guy hit the nail on the head. This ain’t subtle at all. Have it with a steak, have it with nachos, have it with pizza.

Have it with a half-bag of goldfish crackers.

It’s got dark fruit and not a whole lot else… but it’s Friday night. What more do you need?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I must confess that when it comes to wine, I’m a sucker for a good name, regardless of the quality of the product itself. I got a bottle of “Educated Guess” as a Christmas present for my boss — I would’ve paid double for a bottle of the same liquid labelled “Wild-Ass Guess”.

  2. Have it with a half-bag of goldfish crackers.

    Sold! I’ll take two!

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