
Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. Perdido Street Station is currently being read. Also X-Men: First Class is already available to watch at home?

      • I love Kraken. Perdido Street Station is a delight with the amount of description he packs into each chapter and I envy his talent but that gets redirected into a desire to meet or beat him in that department.

      • The black guy being killed before the film was half over was hilarious from a meta point of view. Even in the 21st century they can’t catch a break in Hollywood. Other than that, I shook my head at the film’s direction. Moreso when they put the X-Men at the center of the Cuban Missile Crisis. What’s next? Some modern-day superhero group is at the crux of 9/11 and is unable to stop it and they take up fighting crime and terrorism to make up for the shortcoming?

          • Dig this: A Watchmenesque story that deals with what happens after the squid (or, I suppose, after Manhattan “attacks” the planet).

          • Ex Machina by Brian Vaughn has this premise – the hero saves the second tower, then successfully runs for NYC mayor on the strength of this. Great comic.

  2. I have come to adore the light, fluffy USA show Royal Pains unjustifiably much. And not just for the beautiful people, even.

  3. I’ve already bought X-Men:First Class (it came out Friday), after having watched it several times in the theatre. It’s by far my favourite of the movies (I watched the first two after First Class got me interested in the series; did not watch the third movie due to being warned off by fans), largely because of how awesome Magneto is.

  4. How do you like Fringe? I watched the third season and really liked it; I think the first was largely one-shots of an X-Files style, but the plot arc really gets rolling by the third season.

    • I *LOVED* the X-Files. As in “Hey, Jaybird. We’re going to go out and do stuff on Friday Night! Wanna join up with us?” “Sorry. I can’t. The X-Files is on.”

      And we saw what happened with *THAT*.

      I had any number of friends tell me that I could watch Fringe. Fringe was good. “What?”, I asked. “That Dawson’s Creek sequel??? HA!”

      Anyway, a friend came over with a bottle of wine and said that I could drink it if I watched the Fringe pilot. “Just the pilot”, he said.

      So far… I am very glad that he talked me into it. (I don’t really mind “Monster of the week” shows. Fringe talks enough about the pattern and has given me enough of that red-haired Massive Dynamics lady from show to show to keep me going with the meta-plot. I am actually fixing to put a frozen pizza in the oven and watch another show or three tonight as a finale to the weekend.)

      • I can’t help but think that the people who made “Fringe” are actually a bunch of huge X-Files fans who were massively disappointed by the way it ended and decided to do it right.

          • I think the problem is less that they cave in the last season; I think it’s that they get to a point where the story should end and say “well, we’re making all this money, so…” for as many years as it takes for the series to become so God awful that eve the fans bail en mass.

            I liked neither as well as X, but both Lost and BSG got this right.

          • I remember reading that the Lost guys said that they were always 5 episodes away from tying up the loose ends. They knew that they could be cancelled any moment… so they always wanted to be able to tie everything together.

            I understand that principled people may disagree on how successful they were at achieving this.

          • Well, BSG had the dodge of having a full season on contract just as they were “cancelled”, so they had quite a while to finish the story off. (And I note that some series started after the “cancellation” announcement and ended before BSG actually did!)

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