
I’ve got a notepad file that, currently, has eight songs on it. Those are my songs for Wednesdays. Sometimes (usually halfway through a bottle of wine), I go through and I delete everything on that notepad file and come up with a dozen songs that are better (or, at least, different). Sometimes, I go back and delete those thinking “was I *DRUNK*?” and put back a little more than half of the ones that were on there before. Then, as my week progresses, I go through my cds and tapes and LPs and remember this or that or the other song and the notepad file gets back up to whatever number which then starts waiting for the next bottle of wine.

Well, lemme tell ya, the last time I deleted everything and picked out some songs I must have been depressed because none of these songs are half as upbeat as I’d want to be able to post a typical Wednesday post that doubles as a birthday post.

So, as a warm-up for the song that wasn’t on the list, I’ll talk about one of the half-baked plans I had.

I was thinking about having a “battle of the sexes” week. I’d get seven posts from writers who were gendered female for one week and we’d have a bunch of mindless diversions posts (no religion, politics, or philosophy) that were *NOT* from the usual point of view… and the buildup to this week (or the denouement… depending on the wishes of the aforementioned female-gendered authors) would be a bunch of posts that were from the various ids of the various authors of this blog. Nothing harmful or even hurtful, of course… but just “okay, no filters for this one” kinda posts about the glories of this, or that, or the other.

Posts that felt like they could be said to oneself in the forest and laughed at, accordingly.

Well, I never really got around to writing the proposal for that kind of week.

I did, however, get around to picking the song that I would have posted for the Wednesday. It’s this one:

The song doesn’t build until about 0:20 and it doesn’t start proper until 0:39. It is, however, a celebration. I hope you listen to it and laugh and enjoy it. I do, however, hope you don’t listen to it at work. It’s not exactly worksafe… not because of swearwords or anything, but because co-workers might not enjoy its, shall we say, exuberance at just putting some particular pieces of information out there.

So… what are you listening to?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. p.s. I made Maribou read this before I posted it (just in case) and she said, “What? It’s Dan Bern! It’s not like you were posting One In A Million or something.”

    • After this I need to listen to King Missile’s “Martin Scorsese”.

  2. I’m not really sure I grok the battle of the sexes idea, but I’m down.

  3. Explosions in the Sky. They are so good I’m going to buy their albums when I have revenue again.

  4. Happy birthday!

    to be able to post a typical Wednesday post that doubles as a birthday post.

    I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’ve already developed a protocol for these, huh?

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