
Last night I saw Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. Remember how we were talking about splat movies? Well, this was a deconstruction of that. I laughed out loud a *LOT*. The basic plot of the movie is this: Tucker and Dale are a couple of very good friends who have recently purchased a vacation cabin in the woods. They’re going up there to fix her up, drink some beer, catch some fish, and enjoy the good life.

But there’s also a group of college kids going up to these same woods…

It’s pretty much a comedy of errors that has several laugh-out-loud body count moments. Tucker and Dale are pretty much confused and terrified, of course as these college kids attack them in such a way that continually re-enforces the prejudices that they have about the two good-old-boys who are just trying to have a weekend of home improvement and yardwork. (Tucker and Dale theorize at one point that the college kids have a suicide pact.) The movie is graphically violent but the execution (N.P.I.) is slapstick rather than dread. Tropes get explored and turned upside down and I laughed a lot. (There is a startlingly out of place burst of misogyny at the very end that does nothing for the movie and I wonder why in the heck they included it… but if you turn the movie off at the smooch denoument, you’ll miss it (and miss nothing else).) Now, it’s not *EXACTLY* a recommendation… but if you like splat films, there are worse ones to Netflix.

So… what are you reading and/or watching?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. The Leftovers followed by How to Win Friends and Influence People. It’s 67F/19.4C/292.5K and clear at the Jersey shore. Today I had a thought of leaving my job won’t make me happy and I’ll just be unhappy somewhere else because I don’t like call center jobs and it’s frittering my life away making for a vicious cycle. Fear is a giant motivator in my life.

  2. Hey, was our homework assignment this week the usual two episodes, or was it three since there’s only three left in the season? What’s next week’s assignment going to be? Just the one?

    • I just finished writing the post reviewing the two episodes… next week we’ll talk about the finale.

      Then, I reckon, we’ll take a month (or however long, depending on what everybody wants) off and allow people to order the 2nd Season and have it arrive and what have you.

  3. I’m reading Hugo Cabret, and school stuff. Watching Robin Hood (the Ridley Scott one). William Hurt is way too old to look that good in a full beard.

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