
In the comments to Monday’s essay, Mark Boggs brings up the very important topic of “songs that get you through the breakup” and, whoa, that’s seriously a topic that deserves an essay (if not a series of essays). There are dozens (hundreds!) that come to mind for the dozens (hundreds!) of things that you’re likely to be feeling afterwards.

But one does not just stampede to the breakup song essay. You need a quick discussion of makeout songs first.

Now, these aren’t necessarily *LOVE* songs (though, goodness gracious, they can be) and they aren’t necessarily, for lack of a better term, “hump songs” (though, goodness gracious, they can be), but they are songs that make that special session on the couch just *THAT* much better.

Here’s one.

Oh, sigh.

Also: did you know that that’s David Gilmour on the guitar there? I’ve spent more than 20 years listening to that in my head (from time to time… not on autorepeat or anything) not realizing that that’s David Gilmour.

Anyhoo, what’s the makeout song that immediately popped into your head?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Oh, man, I have to admit this again? Okay, there’s that.

    And yes, That. Which is… okay, that’s actually worse. 8th grade. Does one peck count as a makeout when you’re a nerd in 8th grade?

    The 80s were great for this, actually.

      • Okay, to clarify:

        Can you have a woo-woo song that isn’t *either* also a woo song or a ka-donka-donk song?

          • Ugh, what about when you hit “Everybody Hurts”?

            “Drive” is a great one, though. Oh, “Try Not To Breathe” too… hm… okay you’ve got a point.

            It’s taking me a while to focus on the point you’ve got the field glasses aimed at….

    • Patrick, dang it I guess I now have to admit that was the song for our first dance at our wedding last week.

  2. It’s taking me a while to focus on the point you’ve got the field glasses aimed at…

    No point, I assure you.

    It just didn’t feel right to have an essay about breakup songs without first remembering that time on the couch, in the light of the aquarium, when that song was playing on the stereo.

  3. As luck would have it, I was considering pitching an post proposal to you guys involving something along these lines: relationship soundtracks. Any interest?

  4. To think I had an idea worthy of a tangential post by Jaybird. And some people thought I’d never amount to anything.

    • Hardly! You’re the idea guy behind the upcoming Monday essay! A Monday essay that *REQUIRED* a Thursday essay to get the ball rolling!

  5. But while we’re at it…Closer by Nine Inch Nails.

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