
In trying to fill the Mass Effect 3 Ending-shaped hole in my life, I’m playing Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (which, so far, seems to be making more promises than fulfilling them… I get into any given section and, WHAM, plot exposition cut scene… just let me wail on some baddies, guys, I promise I’ll pay attention at the beginning and ending of levels) and, of course, Bride of Pin-Bot.

So… what are you playing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Got BoP today — no nostalgia value for me, but it’s a great table. I’m now a proud member of the Billionaires Club.

    I only rarely played pinball in arcades, and I didn’t invest any time into learning a table. It’s an interesting experience taking 10 minutes to read through all the goals and modes etc and to really feel like I know what to do next instead of just shooting for random ramps.

    • Chris Priestly asked if this would fix the ending, he responded:

      I answered this. There will be no more new endings. I used the “quotes”
      as we consider the Extended Cut the ending, the finale, the stop
      whatever you want to call it of the ending of Mass Effect 3. We do not
      plan to make new endings, give more closure to the endings, adding or
      subtracting to or from the endings, etc. We are done with the endings.

      That said, we are working on some very cool downloadable story based
      single player content. In these DLCs there will certainly be elements
      that will effect the end of the game. As Mike Gamble already said,
      depending on what you do in Leviathan there will be new dialog with the
      Catalyst at the end of the game. These sorts of elements are definitely
      possible for future DLC as well.

      And for all those stating “Well if you don’t X I am not going to buy
      another game/DLC/etc from BioWare again”. I’m sorry you feel thht way,
      but I understand it. That is your ability as a consumer. If a company
      (us, a burger joint, a shoe store, etc) does not live up to your
      expectations, you go elsewhere. I get it and I do the same thing. I do
      not fault anyone for feeling this way. Hopefully, the DLC we come up
      with or a future BioWare title will make you want to give us another

      However, if you don’t like it, feel free to leave. I’m sorry we have
      disappointed you and as I said, we’ll try to make better content or
      games in the future that you will hopefully enjoy. No one if forced to
      be here. You don’t like it, feel free to take your business elsewhere
      and stop trying to ruin the funn and enjoyment for those people who do
      enjoy ME3 and the DLC.

      Done now.

      • Hell, I just mentioned it in terms of filling the ME3 hole in your life.

        My thoughts on the fanbase reaction to the ending and to other things like the face import have already been hashed out.

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