
I’ve got a box full of booze/mixers for the party tonight and that made me think of Boegiboe’s various mixology posts so I thought that I would post the drink that I’d daydreamed about making for the dinner tonight:

2 1/2 oz Scotch whisky
1 tsp sweet vermouth
1 tsp dry vermouth
ice cubes
2 maraschino cherries for garnish

Then I realized that, if I wanted to be honest, I would instead be making this:

2.5 fluid ounces Mr. and Mrs. T’s Sour Mix
5 fluid ounces whiskey
ice cubes
3 maraschino cherries for garnish

When Maribou said that I should post my favorite drink, I said that it would just be:


So, everybody, be safe tonight!


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Ever since a discussion that occurred re: vermouth about half a year on this blog, I’ve been going on a vermouth kick. Lately, it’s been Manhattans (two parts bulliet rye, one part martini & rossi sweet vermouth, two dashes of angostura bitters, over ice in an old fashioned glass. Swirl gently to mix and garnish with one Maraschino cherry.)

    I think It’s time for a few rob roys, though.

    • Just one cherry? I’m a fan of making my friends think that they asked for a Shirley Temple when they get their drink.

      • ONE CHERRY. There are tw0-cherry drinks, and no cherry drinks, but the Manhattan is a one-cherry drink.

        That said, when I started on this present obsession, I bought the vermouth, the bitters, and the cherries, and headed over to my boyfriend’s brother’s house, trusting that his rather extensive selection of spirits would have an appropriate whiskey.

        He did not have a rye on hand, but he did have a bottle of phillip’s union cherry whiskey ( a blend of bourbon and canandian whisky) that did the job quite nicely. If a single maraschino cherry is insufficient for your purposes, that’s my recommendation.

  2. Cocktails at Casa Likko have been good, if uniform, for quite some time. Hedrick’s gin and tonic, with cucumber garnish. Mrs. Likko is starting to ask for her G&T’s with Sapphine and lime, instead, so that’s easy enough to accomodate. Made some Aviations for guests last week, and that’s the first non G&T cocktail I’ve made in over a month.

    When the weather turns cooler, we’ll probably start switching it up again.

    • This is a good point.

      Summer cocktails are not winter cocktails. I have a number of drinks that I love in late November that, really, aren’t Augusty.

    • This is like the third time you’ve mentioned Hendrick’s and tonic with cucumber Burt. I guess I’m going to have to try it. I haven’t had Hendrick’s in a year and I’m really craving it.

  3. Serious question here: what defines a cocktail? I’m a straight liquor drinker, for the most part. Straight scotch, straight bourbon, or a glass of wine (port, sherry, cab, merlot, chard, etc. etc.)

    I’m assuming wines don’t count, that a cocktail has to be a liquor? But does it have to be some kind of mix? Does my scotch become a cocktail only if I add soda? Does my bourbon become a cocktail if I add Coke?

  4. I had my first-ever Jack & Coke about a month ago (I’ve never been much of a spirits guy) and my immediate thought was, “Why haven’t I been drinking this all along?” I’ve attributed it to my tastes changing as I get older.

      • My wife is the same way. My cut-off is around 8. Maybe 9. I need a minimum of 2-3 lead time. She needs like six or eight.

        Then again, I take melatonin. Mostly to counteract the other stimulant, though.

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