
In FTL, I’ve unlocked both layouts for the human ship, both layouts for the stealth ship, both layouts for the Engi ship, and both layouts for the Zoltan ship. Out of all of them, I’ve done the best with Zoltan Ship Type B (I believe it’s called “Noether” in the default).

I have no idea how to unlock anything else and I’m torn about looking up any hints but I’m going to try to check out the Mantis sectors and the Slug sectors in the hopes that I stumble across something.

So… what are you playing?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. I really like Human ship B, upgrade it’s reactor first thing and it chews through ships with 1 or 2 shields. But in the late game you have to upgrade its weapons or it gets worn down.

    BTW I have looked at hints and some of the ship unlocks are absurdly contrived. There’s no way you’d do them by accident.

    • Yeah, I just finished a run with Human B. 4 lasers (I put the Zoltan in the weapon room to give an extra oomph) and a weapon pre-igniter? Dang, that gets you *VERY* far. The problem is that the stores have augmentations when I need weapons, weapons when I need crewmen, crewmen when I need augmentations, and I never ever have enough scrap. Even when I horde it for a while and end up with 300 or so, I visit two useless stores and upgrade my shields, say, to the max and then find myself in a store with a pike beam or something in the next sector.

      • Yeah, I know what you mean. Stealth weapons and a cloaking device is also a good combo for Human B, though just as hard to acquire.

  2. I haven’t answered these mostly because I tend to do a very large sampler plate. But, after our discussion last night, I figured I could do what I’m doing some form of concerted effort towards.

    Normal games:
    Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty
    Serious Sam
    Puzzle Quest
    The Heroes Project: Currently on Heroes 2 standard maps.
    Gears 3 multi

    Night game:

    Social games:
    Dragon Age Legends
    Army Attack
    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    Arcade/XBLIG (Up until Weds, I was on a short-term Alpha Squad binge because someone asked me about my FAQ and there were a few things that needed updating.)
    Pinball Arcade
    Pinball FX2
    Burnout Crash (Trying to Type A it.)

    Just before bed game:
    Currently taking a break after finishing Aphelion: Wings of Omega so putzing around a little with Astropop. Will probably start Anomaly: Warzone Earth within a week or two.
    Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers.

    Saturday gaming:
    Gears of War 3 Horde.
    Gears of War 3 Arcade: Insane
    Occasional Borderlands (Mike and I will get Borderlands 2 but not before it goes gold.)
    Occasional Split Second.

    • And I’m going to play Rock Band 2 in multiplayer with randoms for the first time.

      Oddly stressful. The experience was similar to what you described experiencing in LA Noire.

  3. FTL, and replaying Dragon Age as a Danish rogue. I also gifted FTL to the oldest boy today. He’s already better at it than I am.

      • Oh no, I totally meant “Danish rogue.” I named him Kenneth Branagh.

        (Seriously, I posted that from my new phone and I haven’t yet taught the spell checker that I know what I’m doing. Sadly, it does not change our favorite four-letter-word into “fish.”)

  4. FTL?

    I played basketball this week. Won one game, lost three. I think. It’s pickup. Record doesn’t matter. Only it does.

    Next week I’ll be a champion.

    • Faster Than Light. It’s on Steam for $9.99. You manage a spaceship and it’s crew as you cross hostile space. Very addictive.

    • GRAH!!!!

      It’s killed me at least 100 times. I’ve changed my goals to stuff like “unlock the rock ship” for now.

      What ship did you use?

      • The Zoltan ship, though I got lucky – I had a lot of crew and a drone controller with Defence II and anti-Personnel so I could repel boarders and keep the missiles off me. I also had a good array of systems.

    • I fought the boss ship on easy and almost won. I got caught up in the damage my ship was doing to his and lost track of my hull plating. 🙁

          • Yes. My first encounter with the ship was saying “HOLY COW IT’S HUGE” and then, finally… beating it.

            And seeing that it took a second form.

            I’ve gotten to the third form… before dying. I’ve done that with three different ships. Kestrel, Torus, and whatever the stealth ship is.

            Never beaten the 3rd, though.


          • I think the key with the 3rd form is to be ready to repel boarders. If you can kill the boarders quickly, they keep sending more until the ship empties of crew. Once the ships’s down to automatic systems a few fires will kill it – sooner or later.

            Having repair or shop locations nearby helps a lot too.

    • I think I’ve lost 20 or so. The last one made me so angry I haven’t picked it up all week since.

  5. Mainly Torchlight 2 here, Berserker. I only do Hulk Smash! in these sorts of games. I’m currently on hiatus from FTL until I get over my little spat with it.

    My gaming community’s annual TF2 Cup is getting started, so I’ll be doing plenty of that as well.

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