To close out the birthday weekend, I have decided that I want to watch a couple of crime capers. Smokin’ Aces and RocknRolla
Oh, and in Game of thrones, Ned had a very interesting conversation with Varys and learned his agenda. Assuming, of course, he was willing to tell the truth to Ned. Why wouldn’t he have been willing to, though? Unless doing such was merely not in his habit…
So… what are you reading and/or watching?
I’ve got two books going right now: _The Mote In God’s Eye_ by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, which is about an advanced human civilization making first contact, and _First Do No Harm_ by David M. Gibbs, which is about Western humanitarian interventionism since the fall of the Soviet Union, specifically focusing on the former Yugoslavia.
The mote in god’s eye is the best first contact story ever.
I’m 242 pages in and I have no idea where the story is going. And this is a good thing.
I finally started the second series of Sherlock on Netflix last night.
Ooo! What did you think?
Love it. The pace was great, the acting was wonderful, of course, and I like the story line. My favorite scene is when The Woman introduces herself to Sherlock, nude. Damn, I wish I could kick ass like that.
Because I never miss an opportunity to share this (sorry if you’ve seen it already):
Sherlock is in fact awesome.
I have started Telegraph Avenue, and can tell it’s going to take forever to finish it. The language is amazing, and I find myself retreading paragraphs over and over.
Also clipping through Sandman for the book club, and will probably crack Dodger tonight.
Want to start Homeland and see what all the fuss is about.
I got the first Morrison ‘Animal Man’ TPB delivered today. Probably finish it tonight. So far so good.
Issue 5 is The Coyote Gospel, if I remember my numbers correctly.
I get the feeling that Grant Morrison doesn’t like me very much. Perhaps that’s another essay.
You personally?
Not me in *PARTICULAR*… you’ll see. There are 3 TPBs of Grant Morrison’s Animal Mans.
Tried to have a James Bond marathon on Netflix. They don’t have Dr. No or Goldfinger or Thunderball or You Only Live Twice. Diamonds are Forever is exceptionally silly. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service presents a handsome and physical Bond with George Lazenby but the plot was impenetrable soup. Too bad he didn’t have a better script; if he’d had a better story in that first movie, he could have been Bond for a decade instead of becoming the answer to a trivia question. The Man With The Golden Gun revealed a young and exceptionally handsome Roger Moore and a panoply of beauties for him to seduce — none of them Asian despite the setting. Lots of Bond slapping the various women he’s rescuing/seducing/decieving/using/collaborating/alloftheabove to get cooperation out of them, which dates and holds the movies back from being timelessly good.
I’m so disappointed that they are missing so many on Netflix. That’s how I was going to do my Bond marathon after I finished Sherlock. Now I must restrategize.
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service presents
Diana Rigg. I think there may have been other people in it too, but they just got in the way.
I’ve finished A Feast for Crows and started A Dance with Dragons, and have also read Preludes and Nocturnes
A Feast for Crows was reasonably good, though I can perfectly understand why people who waited five years for it and then had to wait another five years for the next book (reminiscent of Leah and Rachel) would be upset at most of the core characters being left out, and only about two chapters each for Arya and Sansa. The parts with Brienne really dragged, but I’m getting almost fond of Jaime. Especially for the bit with Frey. More people in the series need a Jaimeslapping.
I can’t understand people who say that Cersei’s chapters made her more sympathetic.
Gurl qb na rkpryyrag wbo ng fubjvat jung n greevoyr ehyre fur vf. Fur jnagf gb ervta, fur jnagf erfcrpg, fur jnagf gb or gur bayl crefba va punetr, ohg fur qbrfa’g jnag gb qb gur npghny wbo bs tbireavat. Gung znxrf ure jbefr guna Eboreg, jub tbirearq onqyl ohg qvqa’g cnegvphyneyl jnag gb or xvat naq unq gur frafr gb nccbvag tbbq crbcyr nf Xvat’f Unaqf. Fur’f hggreyl frys-nofbeorq, neebtnag, oryvrirf fur’f sne zber vagryyvtrag guna fur npghnyyl vf, cnenabvq, naq guvaxf nalguvat bgure guna snjavat nqbengvba zrnaf n crefba vfa’g gb or gehfgrq. V ybirq vg jura punenpgref fgnegrq pbzcnevat ure gb Nrelf gur Znq.
Vg frrzf yvxr gur punenpgref va gur frevrf zber be yrff oernx qbja vagb gjb tebhcf. Cerggl zhpu rirelbar unf haqrefgnaqnoyr tevrinaprf ba fbzr yriry; lbh pna rvgure orpbzr bofrffrq jvgu gubfr tevrinaprf naq sbphf bayl ba lbhefrys naq ubj lbh’ir orra jebatrq, be lbh pna sbphf ba lbhe qhgvrf gb bguref. Gur crbcyr jub npghnyyl pner nobhg qhgl naq nobhg bguref – Arq, Wba, Eboo, Neln naq Fnafn gb fbzr qrterr, Qnal, Glevba (ng yrnfg jura ur jnf Xvat’f Unaq naq npghnyyl unq fbzr cbjre) – ner gur flzcngurgvp barf. Wnvzr’f zbivat va gung qverpgvba. Gur barf jub bayl pner nobhg oebbqvat ba naq eriratvat gurve bja jebatf naq nqinapvat gurzfryirf, yvxr Prefrv, graq gb or gur ivyynvaf.