Mike Schilling

Mike has been a software engineer far longer than he would like to admit. He has strong opinions on baseball, software, science fiction, comedy, contract bridge, and European history, any of which he's willing to share with almost no prompting whatsoever.


  1. Obligatory:


    I was minding my business
    Lifting some lead off
    The roof of the Holy Name church
    It was worthwhile living a laughable life
    To set my eyes on the blistering sight
    Of a vicar in a tutu
    He’s not strange
    He just wants to live his life this way

    A scanty bit of a thing
    With a decorative ring
    That wouldn’t cover the head of a goose
    As Rose collects the money in a canister
    Who comes sliding down the banister ?
    The vicar in a tutu
    He’s not strange
    He just wants to live his life this way

    The monkish monsignor
    With a head full of plaster
    Said : “My man, get your vile soul dry-cleaned”
    As Rose counts the money in the cannister
    As natural as Rain
    He dances again
    My god !

    The next day in the pulpit
    With Freedom and Ease
    Combatting ignorance, dust, and disease
    As Rose counts the money in the cannister
    As natural as Rain
    He dances again and again and again

    And the fabric of a tutu
    Any man could get used to
    And I am the living sign

  2. See, 61 is still young! He still has enough creativity, energy, and sense of adventure to stir up a bit of trouble.

    • Maybe he sees little value in absolving people of their sins without encouraging them to kick it up a little.

      I wonder what kind of wine they got at the rectory.

      • There’s no virtue in being sinless via not knowing any better. To earn heaven, learn enough about sin to reject it in full knowledge of what you’re missing.

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