
We are scheduled to finish up The Sandman, Vol. 5: A Game of You. We’re going to be concluding with the next two issues (#36 and #37): Over the Sea to Sky and I Woke Up and One of Us Was Crying.

Our very own Russell Saunders will be recapping these for us.

If you absolutely positively have to talk about some major spoiler in comments, please rot13.

It has also come up that some wish to have a place where they can yell “DIBS!” I suppose this is as good a place to yell “dibs!” as any. (One should also keep in mind that just because someone yelled “DIBS!” on your favorite book, the one that you were hoping to recap, know that you can still submit one. We’ll read and argue over that one too.) Dibs, so far, behind the cut:

Ken wants #31, Three Septembers and a January (This is part of Fables and Reflections: numbering is all hinky for these books)

Ken wants #40, The Parliament of Rooks (This, too, is part of Fables and Reflections)

Jason Tank wants #41, Chapter One of Brief Lives

Mike Schilling wants #42 (the answer), Chapter Two of Brief Lives

Russell Saunders wants #50, Ramadan (This, too, is part of Fables and Reflections)

Katherine wants #53, Hob’s Leviathan

Reformed Republican wants #54, The Golden Boy

Ken wants #55, Cerements

Ken wants #56, World’s End

Alan Scott wants #75, The Tempest (schedule permitting)


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Are you doing “Fables & Reflections” next? I would like to do #40 “The Parliament of Rooks”, and (assuming Katherine remains unavailable) could do #31 “Three Septembers and a January”.

    • Yep. Though we will take a week off between books to give those who wish to make a purchase from Amazon (or check it out from their local library) will have time to do that.

      I’ll put you and Mike down for your respectives in the boilerplate.

      • Hey, if you’re taking #31, could you also do a quickie of “Fear of Falling”? It opens the book and is a mere 8 pages. (It was originally a one-shot story that was originally included in the Vertigo Preview #1 which was supposed to be a soft intro into all of the Vertigo storylines.)

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