
In our household, we have a tradition called “the birthday week”.

I can’t really remember how it started beyond knowing that Maribou was the one who started it. It works something like this. “Can you do one of my chores for me? It’s my birthday week” or “I know that you don’t want to go to X for dinner, but it’s my birthday week”.

When it started, it was the three days on either side of the birthday in question but, over time, it’s become the six days on either side of the birthday. It’s not something that can result in, like, a huge purchase or anything (“I got us a car! It’s my birthday week!” would not work. “I got us a boardgame from the game store and we’re going to play it tonight!” would) but it’s basically a way to trump any conversation that, during any other time, would require a discussion… but, usually, it means that we say something like “I don’t want to cook. Let’s go to Chipotle or something.”

All that to say, this has been one of the best birthday weeks ever because of all y’all. It has been an absolute blast reading all of your stuff (and I look forward to the two big guest essays I can post on Monday and Tuesday).

In the meantime, this weekend will be devoted to friends coming over and ordering pizza tonight (maybe play some Kinect games), gaming at Dman’s tomorrow (sadly, I put in an order for King of Tokyo at my locally owned gaming shoppe, like, 3 weeks ago and it *STILL* hasn’t come in… I tell ya, next time I’m getting it from Amazon), and nothing, nothing at all on Sunday.

This has been exceptionally revitalizing, y’all. Thank you!

What’s on your docket?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to AskJaybird-at-gmail.com


  1. Once again, happy BDay, JB!

    Tonight I will be going to hear an old college roommate play a one-man singer songwriter gig at a local pub. He’s out of Cali now, so I only get to hear him once every year or so.

    Then the great shuffling of kids to soccer games tomorrow, and then maybe get inspired by Jason and Will, and start to work on a novel that’s been kicking around in my head for a while.

  2. I got a gaming day tomorrow! I got a gaming day tomorrow!

  3. P.S. -> We do “birthday weekends”. Haven’t extended it out to a week yet. Maybe after the 10th anniversary.

  4. I have some friends that try to parlay it into ‘Birthday Month’ but most of us won’t have any of it.

    There will be chores and I’ve got a bunch of new indie games to try out. I also want to sit down and actually write something about The Binding of Isaac, but I’ve failed to write far more often than I ever have.

  5. I’m playing Twilight Imperium with friends tomorrow.

    I also have plans to play a little Baldur’s Gate tonight. I just picked up Minsc, so that’s fun.

  6. At least you get a birthday weekend. I’m lucky if my wife allows me a few minutes of reflection before burdening me with her outrageous demands on my birthday.

  7. Ha ha! I always assumed that the “birthday week” was strictly a Maribou thing! 🙂 Happy birthday Jay!

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