
We caught Othello on Friday night in one of those dinky venues where the stage was bigger than the seating area. One thing I’ve always noticed about Shakespeare is how I spend the first 20 minutes of the play not understanding a word that comes out of the actors mouths (I THOUGHT THIS WAS ENGLISH) and then, slowly, picking up the cadence of the language and by the time I walk out to the car I’m speaking in a vulgar approximation of iambic pentameter myself. Well, this time, the actors were helpful insofar as they took about 20 minutes to get into the groove. As they picked up the rhythm, so did I. It actually added to the experience (for me, anyway).

In the book, the dragon finally got that crown he’d been whining about, Ned has a short meeting (which was the dumb thing that Maribou had been telling me he was going to do), and the king killed a boar. So a lot of things happened in a very short period of time.

So… what are you reading and/or watching?


Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to


  1. Watching Wallander, of which I am reasonably fond, and just started “Bringing Up the Bodies,” after re-reading Wolf Hall to prepare.

  2. Final day for the Group-o-Death over in Euro Cup. Can Tiger rally at the Open? Heat/Thunder Game 3. Still plugging through “Imagine”. Might make a serious dent in the hammock. Or a bar stool.

  3. I’m finishing Fifty Shades Freed and trying to decide what to read next. Game of Thrones is in the running, but so is Ubik.

    How come there was a bunch of Mother’s Day stuff at the league, but hardly any thing for Father’s Day? How am I supposed to wish the dads a great day?

    • I considered writing a topical Father’s Day post where I discussed fluid mechanics and a special new tonic for people with sore throats that used the warmth of the human body to climb up even as it was being pulled down and keep coating the throat for hours… so even though it’s being drunk, it’s not moving. I’d then have someone say “how can anything be drunk and not move for hours?”

      Happy Father’s Day!

      But I couldn’t get the first part of the post to work.

      But, you’re right, we should have a father’s day post on the front page.

      • Ha! That’s what I like about you, JB. You always bring it around and your kinda funny.

        • Whilst at Costco I also imagined a medication that worked best when you drank it on the patio.

          “What’s so special about being drunk on the patio?”

          • “It’s unpleasantly like being drunk.”

            “What’s unpleasant about being drunk?”

            “Ask a glass of water.”

  4. Finally got the Robert Caro LBJ book. The most interesting chapter, so far, has been about JFK’a early life. I’d never realized how sickly he was as a young man, or that cortisone, which nowadays is about as exotic as aspirin, was a wonder drug in its day. (I have an inhaler for allergies that contains an artificial variant of it.) It was cortisone used to treat his Addison’s Disease that enabled JFK to lead a normal life and appear, with some minor theatrics, to be vigorous and healthy.

  5. I am watching Justified. Recently finished The Year of the Flood, still trodding my way through Thinking Fast and Slow, thinking about some Kathy Reichs once I’m done with my Justified marathon.

      • My reaction was kind of like “crime show set in Kentucky? Meh. Wait, Harlan County? Wait, Elmore Leonard?!?!!? DUDE.”

        • That, and there’s something about both the character of Raylan as played by Timothy Olyphant. He’s just so utterly cool and handsome, I feel like I should be required to at least be a little bi-curious. That I’m not therefore can’t lust after him feels like I’m letting everybody down somehow.

  6. Catching up on Supernatural, just finished season 5. Considering stopping there as I’ve heard that everything after that is kinda dull – and seriously, what storyline could really trump preventing the Biblical Apocalypse?

    Am going back and watching the UK version of Being Human. I like how it has a more adult atmosphere than the US version does, but I get very irritated when George, the character who is the werewolf, starts to change and screams in a high-pitched, rather obnoxious way. I have expectations for my werewolves . . .

    • I just finished it and decided I needed to read “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?” immediately.

      • Finished Ubik, yes unsettling. going to read Man in the High Castle, The three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich, and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. All came in the same volume from the library. Since the new puppy ate the corners off the book I have plenty of time to read them all as I now own the book or whats left of it. Good thing the puppy is so darned cute that he will survive

    • That’s it. Off to the used book store after work it is!

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